(4) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 4

"Jane?" I couldn't believe my eyes... it was her... in front of my eyes.... JANE...

"Hi Mike." She was smiling when she said my name. I just really like it when she does that. I hope I can make her smile like that all the time.

"Hi. I'm really sorry for not getting your number. How did you even know where I am?"

"I kinda had a hunch that you were sitting here. I also thought that if go here you would be here, becoz this is where we've met." She said.

"I'm really happy that you're here now. I was really worried not seeing you again." Jane was now walking towards me.

Then what she did was really unexpected. She kissed me.... Her lips were cold but really soft like I was kissing a really soft pillow. She gave me tingles all over my body, she was still kissing me and at that very moment I hugged her and I felt like I never wanted to leave her side. It's like I was meant to hug her forever. She took her lips away from mine and said.

"I'm so sorry Mike. I did something to you." I was really confused by what she said. What did she mean about She had done something to me?

"Why are you saying sorry Jane? You didn't do anything to me." Maybe she was apologizing for not giving me her number.

She was still silent, just looking down on the ground like it was pulling her.

"Mike you need to meet my brother Vince."

"Oh..... Well, sure. Anything you want Jane. Just don't feel sorry for anything." I really like this girl so I didn't want to see her feeling sad.

Jane's POV:

I'm so sorry Mike. I didn't mean for things to happen. He really likes me; he didn't want me to feel sad. He's a really great guy, but what I did to him was unacceptable, even my brother Vince was very angry at me when I turned Mike into one of us.

Mike suddenly clutched his stomach. No..... I have to take him to my house now before his transformation begins. Mike looked like he's going to drop to the floor, so I took his arm over my shoulder and helped him get to my car. He was really in pain now when I was driving. He screamed like hell.

"WHAT TE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!?" he screamed at his self rather than screaming at me. He should be angry at me, but I couldn't tell him. I'll just let Vince explain all this. I can't take it, seeing Mike in pain becoz of me, so I drove fast over 120, to get home fast.

When we got to the house Mike is still screaming it's a good thing we have a really BIG front yard, so there's no one going to hear him. He was screaming like hell, I remembered how painful it was when your body was dying.

"VINCE!!!!" When I called my brother's name he was instantly in front of me, I saw Mike's eyes going wide.

"You need to help me, he's body is already transforming."

"Well this is your entire fault you know." He said looking down on Mike.

"I know that OKAY! Just help me here!" (God! You're so annoying sometimes!)

(Oh so now I'm the annoying one huhh? Then I won't help you explain all this to your precious friend here.) He was really getting into my nerves.

"Alright, I'm sorry! Happy!?"

"A little bit." He said with a smug on his face.

But at least now he helped me take Mike on a bed. It's almost Dawn and Mike is still screaming. We left him there, it was hard for me to leave Mike like that, but Vince told me that I shouldn't be inside that room, becoz I wouldn't want Mike seeing in pain like that. We took him to a room where we turn people into one of us, but we really don't turn many people that much, we just turn them when we see that they can help us make the Vampiric World known to mortals. We have this room for all intense and purpose only, the last time we used this was a decade ago, becoz Vince's girlfriend was the one who was in here, her body couldn't handle the pain and her heart gave up. When you turn a person into a Vampire, his or her body will die, you will feel all the pain like your body's being burned alive, transformations like this takes a few days, even a week, if the venom doesn't reach the heart before 10 days, the body will die and the heart as well. There are two steps of turning someone, first you need to bite them and put the venom inside their body, and second you have to make them drink a Vampire's blood for them to become a pure Blooded Vampire.

Vince didn't want anybody using this room anymore, becoz he never had the chance to move on, every time he sees this room he's mood will instantly change, and just storm off to somewhere. I really feel sorry for Vince, it's been 10 years now and he still thinks that everything happened like it was just yesterday. He's not really my brother, he found me somewhere deep in an alley when I was still living in Phoenix, I still remembered everything, when he turned me. He grabbed me in the alley bit into my neck, almost drained my blood, but he stopped, and darkness enveloped me. He said that I didn't woke up, I just started the transformation when I was asleep, and I believed him, becoz when I was still in darkness, I felt a burning sensation all over my body and all I can think about is that I wanted to die.

Vince is my mentor, but he told me that I should treat him like a brother, so I did. I didn't know who turned Vince, he doesn't speak of it, I only know is that the woman who turned him left him somewhere and she only came back when it was time for her to make him drink her blood. Then she was gone, Vince never saw her again, I could only imagine how hard it was for him, being alone and didn't know what to do. He told me once that "I will never leave your side Jane; I will always be here for you. You're my only family and I will not let anything happen to you my little sister." I instantly knew that Vince will help me get through everything. I love Vince and I want him to be happy, so I always make him feel proud of me, that's the only way I know to make him happy. Mike thought me everything I knew, he thought me how to hunt mortals, he thought me how to fight, and he thought me that we can drink animal blood rather than drink human blood.

Today is Mike's 3rd day of transformation, and the venom still hasn't reached his heart. I went beside him, he was trying to stay calm, but I know to myself that he can't do it becoz the pain from the venom is unbearable. I went to sit on the chair beside him, this room only has one bed and one chair, the bed has all this straps to tie the person on the bed. I tried holding his hand and his grip wasn't strong enough to hurt me, he was thinking of not hurting me. He's really nice, and caring, I don't deserve this kindness of his.

"Mike, this will all be over soon, the venom needs to reach your heart and the pain will leave you. Just hold on Mike. You can do this." Mike was speaking his language on his head so I couldn't understand him.

Before I left the room I kissed him on the lips, and went to find my brother, he was in the kitchen

pouring some donated blood on a mug and heating it up on the microwave. We don't always hunt mortals, were not that heartless.

(Vince, the venom still hasn't reached his heart yet.)

(I know, I can still hear his heart beating all the way here.)

(But it is beating a little bit slower than yesterday.)

(That's a good sign.) He took his mug out of the microwave, the aroma of the blood made me really thirsty, so I put another one on the microwave.

(Vince..... Do you think Mike will accept what I am, and what I did to him?)

(He has to, or I'll kick his ass you know. Besides you accepted it right?)

(Yes, but YOU didn't. for a really long time Vince. You didn't accept your own self. What if Mike doesn't accept me?)

(Don't think like that Jane, he just has to endure everything, he will only make it hard for himself. So don't worry too much okay? I'm here.)


We both heard Mike's heart was really beating slowly, slower than earlier. I think this is the time to make him drink my blood. We went upstairs and opened the door; Mike looked like his already dead becoz of his pale skin. I looked at Vince and he nodded.

I slashed my wrist and the blood flowed, I told Mike to drink it or he will die soon, so he didn't hesitate to take my wrist and drink from me.

Mike's POV:

I can feel it. I can feel Death is coming for me. I don't feel any pain anymore, just numbness.

I saw Jane and a guy came from the door, Jane looked at this guy and did something on her wrist, then she walked towards me and told me "Mike you need to drink my blood or you will die." I didn't think about anything, I just took her wrist and drank from her blood.

............................... ............................... ...............................

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