(7) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 7


"Mike? Can I come in?"

"What do you want Jane?"

"I wanna say sorry, for everything."

"Well you should be."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what you want to know." I've been such a jerk to her, and she doesn't really deserve it.

"Well I'll just say it...... I like you Mike. I really like you." I like her too but....... My thoughts got cut off when her lips collided into mine.

"I like you too Jane."

END OF RECAP..................

Jane's POV:

Did he just say what I think it is?

Did he admit that he likes me too?

I can't believe it, after what I did to him he still likes me? Mike was still looking at my lips like he was hungry for it. I took the hint and kissed him again. This is the very first time I was kissed. When I was still mortal I didn't had any guy friends, so a boyfriend is out of the question. The kiss lingers for a couple of seconds, and we both pulled ourselves. We were both trying to catch our breaths.

"So is this what it feels like to be kissed by someone you like very deeply." I was breathless and staring at the person that made me happy.

"Yes." He looked me in the eye, and hugged me like he was never letting go.

"Not ruining the moment here, but what changed your mind?"

"Change my mind in what?"

"In liking me" I answered looking deeply into his eyes.

"I always like you Jane, ever since I saw you on that street walking towards me and sitting beside me. I knew to myself that I like you very much." I can feel that he was telling me the truth; I can see it in his own eyes. Those hazel eyes that I extremely love so much.

"I'm glad to hear those words from you. I didn't think that you would forgive me for what I had done to you."

"Well, I haven't totally accepted everything yet, but I guess time will come."

"Thank you."

Mike's POV:

Jane made everything okay. When I'm with her nothing could go wrong, I think I will be happy being with her for eternal life.

We are now lying on my bed just hugging each other, waiting for the sun to set. She told me that we could begin my training tonight, and I was a little over excited with it coz when I heard her say that, she said that I made a stupid smile like I was never going to smile ever again, and when I thought about it I kinda did made stupid grin. She was now smiling when I looked at her.

"What are you thinking?" I asked her.

"I'm thinking about you."

"Why me?" I was very interested that she was thinking about me when were already together not having any space between us.

"Well, I've been waiting for you, for a really long time now." Now that fascinates me.

"Uhmmm......... Jane? How old exactly are you?"

"I can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Coz you might not like me anymore, becoz I'm old enough to be your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great--"

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