(5) I got bitten by a....

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Chapter 5

"Stop, Mike you've taken enough blood." She said, but I didn't want to stop.

This frenzy.... I really love it, her blood taste so delicious that I couldn't stop myself from drinking it, I can hear a slow drumming beat, and one that's faster than the other. The slower beat kept beating faster now, and when I realized it, it wasn't a drum; it was my heart and her heart that I was hearing.

"Mike Stop!" She kept pulling her hand but I didn't let her.

"Mike stop it! You're killing me!" The guy that was right beside her was now in front of me and took her wrist from my mouth; her blood stained the bed and was now dripping on the floor.

I looked at Jane like I wanted to kill her. The feeling of her blood inside me was nerve racking. I've never felt like this before. All I wanted was to drink her blood, like I wanted to drain her, and I wanted more, more of her blood. Why am I feeling these cravings? The cut on her wrist was now healing. This is incredible, my senses was now stronger, my eye sight was very clear, like I can see everything, my nose can smell a lot of things, my hearing was really great. I was so amazed with this new things, that I realized I was now staring at Jane and feeling sorry for taking advantage of her.

"Jane....... I'm sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to hurt you." I stuttered.

"No it's okay Mike. How are you?" She asked me looking a little hurt.

"I'm fine, I'm really sorry Jane."

"It's okay.......... So I'm guessing you're still hungry?" She said smiling.

I can't believe it, she's so nice to me, and even though I almost killed her she was still nice to me. The guy beside her was looking at me like he wanted to kill me. I think Jane noticed that we were glaring at each other.

"Mike, this is Vince. My brother." She said this while pointing at her brother.

I still didn't take my eyes off him; I didn't like his brother that's for sure.

"Come now, let's eat."

I tried to move my legs but my legs were tied up on the bed. Jane unstrapped me and then we were out of that room.

When we got to the kitchen her brother took 3 mugs out of a cupboard and poured something red in it. Then he put the three mugs inside a microwave. I can smell the aroma of that liquid thing inside the microwave, and it smells really good. When her brother took the 3 mugs out, Jane gave me mine, and she told me to drink it.

"What is this?"I asked her.

Jane looked at her brother with concern tracing her face. She looked really worried and scared I can see it in her eyes. When she answered me I thought that she was just kidding.

"It's type A Mike. Type A blood." Does she think I'm going to believe what she just said?

"You're joking right? Blood?"

"Yes Mike. Blood."

"Uh....Don't you think that's a little gross Jane?"

"Hey, Mike is it? Drink it or just starve to death. It's your choice." Vince said while drinking.

"Mike, you have to drink it." Jane said while she was drinking hers.

"What's going on Jane? Why are you making me drink this? First you told me to drink your blood, now you want me to drink this?" I'm really confused and annoyed coz I don't freakin know what's happening.

"You're now a Vampire Mike." What is she talking about? A Vampire? Yea right!

"What are you talking about? I can't be a Vampire."

I got bitten by a....Where stories live. Discover now