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The world has not been the same since.

Not sure it will be either.

Well before any one during the present time can really remember. This current generation only know of Darkness. Of deprivation. It seems that in this current day and age, the thoughts of Hope and Peace are an after-image. Forgotten. The world has transformed into something different. Something unrecognizable to those who are still living from the virus and sprung free years ago. The worlds governments were torn into sections, torn by their lust for power, but blinded by their inner hatred. Through those revelations, those powers fell, as one power grew.

That power attained greatness in its own right. Those looking for hope were showered with smiles and promises. Those searching for peace were drowned in the warmth of kind encouraging words. Soon, however, those things turned south.

That power turned against the people, strengthening its grip on the people as the worlds conditions continued to get worse and worse. It had gotten to the point where it was no longer stable to live above ground in many parts of the world. The survivors of the virus either resided underground, or found refuge enlisting in the militia.

There was something else. Something more sinister, unpredictable, and dangerous lurking above ground. The ones underground spoke rarely of them, but could hear them at night, ravaging, tearing their way into anything they could find. The virus that attacked the planet years ago caused a negative reaction that chained all throughout human kind. Even animals, Land, Sea and Air were effected. It changed the way of the world forever. These creatures, feed on that change. They are the predators. The hope is their pray.

This is the story of that Hope. The story of growing Love. Of Peace. Of Friendship and Understanding.

This is the story of Redemption.

This is ENAN

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