Chapter 13

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I woke with a start to the morning bell. I think that loud annoying noise was the worst part of this Fort. I got dressed and climbed off of my bunk bed. Diane was already up and double checking her backpack. I kept glancing at the door in excitement. I blinked as I realized that the chain lock on the door was done up. Why did she lock the door?

I suddenly heard Trish's voice, "Oh! What? Who? Uh.... Diane! Are you responsible for this?!"

I giggled quietly, would she admit to it? Diane chuckled and went to the door, unlocked it and opened it. I glanced past Diane to see Trish still lying in bed, staring up at the poster that hung halfway between her bed and the ceiling. Diane leaned on the doorframe with a grin, "You can blame me for the chips, but you might want to give Nathan a big hug and a kiss for the poster."

I tilted my head, what had Nathan done? I would have to ask Diane later.

Trish rolled out of bed and gave Diane a hug, "Thank you! Now, how do I get these chips off easily?"

I chuckled quietly, what was it with people here and junk food? I could barely look at it and they treated it like a rare treat. Diane stood on Trish's bed to untie the chips and lightly tossed them to Trish. She then brought down the poster and leaned it against the wall.

We headed down to the mess hall. We were almost there when Nathan appeared around the corner. Trish took off at a run, "Thank you for the present!" just before she wrapped him in a tight hug and planted a kiss on his cheek. I squeaked and covered my eyes, didn't she know that kissing a boy could give you cooties?! I clearly remember Auntie telling me to cover my eyes whenever I saw a couple kissing.

I peeked between my fingers to see that they had finished kissing. Nathan looked somewhat confused as he held out a small box of chocolates, "You're welcome. I also got you this."

Trish promptly threw her arms around him and gave him another kiss. I quickly covered my eyes again. I heard Diane chuckling and glanced up at her to see her grinning at my reaction. The two lovebirds finally separated and we went into the mess hall.

Oh, they had a salad with some sort of raspberry vinaigrette dressing. My mouth watered as I took a large helping of that. I put a few more things on my plate then followed Diane to our regular table. Trish sat beside me. I had realized the other day that Diane was trying to get me to trust Trish. It was hard, I was really nervous and shy around anyone except for Diane. I couldn't seem to help it.

I glanced at Trish out of the corner of my eye as she was sipping her coffee. I had to start somewhere I guess, and if Diane wanted me to trust her... Baby steps counted, right? I slowly took a deep breath while gathering up my courage. I noticed Diane glance at me as she somehow sensed my nerves. I put a brave face on and turned my head to look at Trish.

Trish noticed me turn my head and she looked at me in curiosity. The others at our table were also looking at me. I felt like I was on a stage in the spotlight with so much attention. I didn't like the feeling. My voice was soft, but I couldn't get it any louder considering how nervous I was, "Trish, how did you meet Nathan?"

There. I did it. I had actually spoken to someone besides Diane without them speaking to me first. I felt Diane relax slightly next to me and she had a slight grin on her face. That alone made me feel as if I had achieved an award.

Trish grinned at me, "We met in this Fort. It was actually at the Christmas party last month. He came over and asked me for a dance and simply never let go of my hand."

From the growing smirk on Diane's face, I somehow doubted it was as simple as she was making it out to be. Matthew was also at the table, he raised his eyebrow at Trish, "I think you are forgetting to mention the weeks of meals where you two snuck looks at one another before you actually spoke with one another."

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