Chapter 64

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I yawned as Diane carried me in her arms through the trees through the pitch black night. She set me down and quickly set up a hammock for me high in a tree. I was too scared to sleep in the settlement when she left and Diane was very good at getting out undetected. They only had two sentries trying to watch over two dozen doors though, so that may have been part of it.

I had my backpack with me since Diane planned to be at the barn at the crack of dawn to ensure that Taver didn't just up and leave. He had told her to be ready at the barn at 6am. I climbed up the tree and quickly fell asleep.

I woke as my shoulder was shaken and blinked groggily. Diane's glowing blue eyes met my confused gaze, "Taver is already packing to leave. He left all of our trade supplies at our door and is trying to quietly back out of our deal. We can follow him undetected if we are careful."

I carefully sat up as Diane climbed back down. I unhooked my hammock and brought it down. Diane already had my pack was putting light supplies in it, they simply wouldn't all fit in her pack regardless of what magic she normally managed to pull off. Diane handed me some sort of wrap as breakfast.

It was still very dark. I peered at the small keychain watch clipped to her backpack. 4am. Taver was insane. That was the only possible explanation. Diane was the only person who dared travel after dark and that was only because she could see as well as if it were daylight.

It was too dark for me to walk safely through the untamed forest we were in, so Diane carried me close to the main gate. We sat behind the tree line where we could see the gate, but people would be unable to see us. I noticed that Diane's eyes were somewhat dimmed.

Before too long, Taver exited the gate mounted on his horse and leading a mule. He sent the animals into a canter. Perhaps he was hoping that speed would prevent zombies from catching him. Diane easily shadowed him in the forest. I was halfway waiting for him to catch a glimpse of Diane's slightly glowing blue eyes.

"Do we plan on revealing ourselves later? If it is a weeklong journey, he is likely going to spot us at some point since we are following him."

Diane considered it for a moment, "I am actually not sure. Even if we decided to show ourselves at this point, he is likely going to freak out. Those horses have been cantering for almost an hour now. We would have gotten away with it on the bike, but since we were unable to find any other believable method of transportation, it is only going to make him very suspicious."

I knew she was right, and suspicious people sometimes did weird things. I thought hard, "We can always just follow him until he gets to the settlement. If he is a trader then he will only stay a few days before leaving. Once he leaves, then we can approach the place with him none the wiser."

Diane nodded, "That is a good thought. Taver could start asking some rather unfortunate questions if we arrive while he is there."

I listened to the birds as the sky started to lighten. Taver slowed his horse now that he could see better. Diane moved deeper into the trees to avoid being spotted. The trip had been pretty zombie free so far. I guess with no towns or houses nearby, that there had not been many people to turn into zombies. I yawned, I was really tired since I had been awake early.

Diane paused, "Here, let me tie your backpack to the top of mine and I can carry you in my arms. That way you can sleep a bit."

She set me on the ground and I quickly passed her my backpack. Seconds later she scooped me up in her arms and continued trailing Taver. I curled up against her chest and relaxed. Her steady footsteps and fixed breathing rate were soothing. I nestled my head against her chest and I could hear her heart lazily beating. It was a relaxing sound and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.

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