Chapter 149

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I saw Roland waiting in the open gate for us. He came forward towards us, "Good to see you back in control. How are you?"

Ace nodded and seemed defensive for some reason, "I am glad to be back in control. I am uninjured."

Roland looked at Diane, "Are you okay?" He took a step forward to peer at the bandage. I glanced over as Ace tensed up and his eyes glowed more brightly. Why was he acting as if Roland was a potential threat? Roland would never harm Diane.

Roland also noticed Ace's reaction and paused as he tilted his head. He glanced between Ace and Diane a few times before he suddenly grinned. He chuckled and gave Ace a small salute as he backed up a few steps, "Good for you. I wish you two the best."

With that, Roland turned and walked away. I was shocked, how had Roland figured out what had happened? No one had been close enough to hear them talk, other than myself. Ace also looked surprised.

Diane shook her head at his reaction, "Considering you were out of control and standing so close to me for so long, it is kind of an easy conclusion that our friendship might have turned into something else."

Ace made a face, he still didn't like the subject, even if he had admitted that he also liked Diane. Diane grinned at his reaction, but dropped the topic. We headed through the gates and towards the back of the cliff where our home was located.

Kerry must have been watching for us. She intercepted us as we passed by the nursing area. Kerry eyed up the bandage on Diane's arm, "I know it is probably healed by now, but I still want to check it."

Diane sighed, "Is this really necessary?"

Kerry chuckled, "I am checking every injury and there were only a couple dozen minor ones. Everyone was fired too, so that makes it really easy."

Kerry started unwrapping the bandage as Ace watched intently. The last bit came undone and Ace inhaled slowly as his eyes once more brightened. Kerry glanced at him in slight confusion before turning back to examine the mostly closed injury.

She checked it carefully, "It is clean, so it will heal swiftly enough. I think you have the second worst injury I have seen."

Ace gritted his teeth as he exhaled slowly at that news. Kerry glanced at him before looking at Diane and raising her eyebrow. Diane shrugged, she wasn't sure why Ace was so touchy either. Kerry shrugged as well, "No sense bandaging it up since it is mostly closed up. It will take a while to completely fade though."

Diane rolled her eyes, "This isn't the first time I have been injured."

Kerry chuckled, "I know. But this is the first time you have been injured while in Sanctuary and I am the nurse in charge so I can use that as an excuse."

Diane shook her head before changing the topic, "What was the worst injury?"

"One of the women luring off those men got shot in the leg with an arrow."

I gasped. I hoped she was all right, that must have the first scream I heard. Diane looked concerned, "Is she all right?"

Kerry nodded, "She is limping a bit, but she should be fine by morning. Her running caused a bit of damage, otherwise she probably wouldn't even be limping at this point. Bruce injured himself much worse with that axe when splitting wood, so she will be fine."

Diane sighed in relief, "That is good."

We glanced over to see Todd running towards us with a grin, "We won! Can you believe it?"

Ace shifted his stance slightly so he stood partially in front of Diane in a slightly defensive position. Todd was too excited to notice the subtle warning as he skidded to stop in front of us, "In the morning, we will be releasing lots of pigeons that belong to other settlements. That way we can let them know that the bandits are gone and we didn't have a single casualty."

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