Chapter 140

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I watched the strange man from Clyde Crossing as Kerry led him to an empty house on the far side of the first ridge. He wasn't walking well, but he was finally being released from the nursing area. I was lounging on a couch a deck on the third ridge while reading my textbook.

Diane and Ace were off in another meeting with Amber and Roland. I had been excluded from several meetings recently. That worried me. They were obviously discussing something they thought I was too young to hear. Considering our practice alarm drills were occurring more frequently, I also suspected it had something to do with the news the newly fired man brought. I tilted my head as I heard quiet voices below.

"Are you heading out as well?"

"Yeah, Roland asked all Messengers in Sanctuary if they would be willing to volunteer to go looking for these bandits. Over half of us have no current commitments, so most of those Messengers are going."

"Any idea where they might be located? I heard they are somewhere in northern Alberta, but that is a huge area."

"Diane recognized one from a bunch of murderers that left Wainwright and headed north. Ace figures they are along a big highway since they left in spring with big trucks. Trucks that big won't get far off the road in soft spring mud."

"That place has about 800 fighters alone from what I hear. Be careful."

"I heard that too. Roland said he was sending the next trade caravan to Wainwright to see if they might lend us some aid once we locate the settlement. We will need it, we barely have 400 people here all told and that is counting those in the trading caravans and the infants. A place that big should be easy to find though."

"That survivor said that they took everyone else as prisoners, so there is a good chance they took other captives from other settlements as well. It certainly explains why we didn't find any survivors or bones in the ruins. Make sure you don't get caught by those guys or I might have to come down there and free your ass from that place."

"I have no intention of even being seen, let alone caught. Those who volunteered are traveling in pairs at least, just for safety. Even if we don't find the bandits, there are always Swifts and wild animals to contend with."

"That is good. Just because we haven't lost anyone yet, doesn't mean that it isn't going to happen. Anything can happen when traveling. I also heard that those bandits have quite a few horses."

The man chuckled, "They would have to have one hell of a fast horse to catch me and a well-placed arrow would stop it before it got close. I plan on sticking to the trees as well."

"Just because that guy didn't see or hear any guns, doesn't mean that they don't have them. Don't take any chances."

"I have no intention of getting shot. Diane already gave me a good lecture on that topic. I plan to stay completely out of sight if possible."

"Looks like Adam is ready. I'll accompany you two to the gate. I also want to check if the sentries know when the next drill is."

The two men headed off and I remained still in case they glanced back and saw me. I had been on the third ridge and they had been on the first ridge, so I doubted they would check the upper decks as they left. Most people were out doing something at this time of the early afternoon.

Our Messengers were heading out to locate the bandit's settlement. I knew that at least five places had been destroyed, so the bandits weren't going to stop unless someone forced them. That worried me. If Roland was going to Wainwright for help, they would want us to also join them. Wainwright had just over a thousand people in it, but about half either weren't fighters or had just basic training.

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