Chapter 43

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Diane held up my dress and I inhaled in excitement. It was a nice purple that matched the lilacs we had picked yesterday and it had some small white highlights in the creases of the dress. There were small white ribbons around the waist and wrists, and a bit of white lace along the edges of the neck, sleeves, and bottom.

It was beautiful. I quickly slipped it on and Diane brushed out my hair and ensured that my little purple butterfly hair clips were sitting perfectly. Diane was actually in a shirt and black slacks. We did take our backpacks – we had to since we were outside of the fence. Diane said that we would leave them in Matthew's office.

We headed over to the Fort to leave our backpacks in Matthew's office and we headed over to the big building where the wedding was being held. I had to be there early since I was the flower girl.

I glanced around the hall with wide eyes as we entered it. I knew that the Foraging groups had picked a lot of lilacs for this, but I didn't realise how many until just now. The very air had a strong perfume from their blooms and there were vases and arrangements everywhere.

I had rehearsed my steps the last few days. Trish rested a hand on my shoulder, "Relax. Diane is out there. You will do fine."

My shyness was once more causing me some serious issues. It was bad enough with just a handful of people, but everyone was here for the wedding. For a short time, almost a thousand people would all be watching me. It was a terrifying thought.

Trish smiled in encouragement, "We won't be far behind you and the moment we enter the room they will be watching us."

One of the other brides groaned, "Thanks... Now you are making me nervous. I always hated being on stage."

Music started playing in the background and I stared at the door in terror. That was my cue. Trish leaned down and whispered, "Do it for Diane, it will make her so proud."

I took a deep breath and tried to gather my courage. I jogged past zombies that wanted to eat me on a daily basis without problems. I was sure I would walk down an aisle with just humans watching me. My pep talk wasn't working.

I would do it for Diane. I started walking forward and the doors opened before me. To make her proud, I would face my demons. I put on a smile, which was made genuine as my shyness assaulted me. I carefully scattered flower petals as I walked at a measured pace down the aisle.

Oh my. There were so many people... I took a deep breath and kept putting one foot in front of the other. I hadn't gone far before the music altered and I knew the brides were coming out now. Many did stop watching me. Thankfully.

I glanced around a bit more. Despite the sea of faces, I spotted Diane in the crowd. She was smiling and watching me. I felt pride sweep through me. I had made her proud.

I had spaced out the flower petals perfectly and sprinkled the last few at the bottom step. I climbed up the stairs. I walked decorously to the spot that I did in practice and turned around to wait. On the raised stage, I realized just how many people were here. Wow.

It was a good thing I hadn't really seen the entire crowd before or I wouldn't have been able to leave those doors. I kept my smile on. I turned my eyes to Diane. She was currently watching Trish with a grin, but moments later her eyes tracked back to me.

From this distance it wasn't apparent how blue her eyes were, even though she was looking at me. I now had a picture of her and me in the locket around my neck. She looked like a normal person from up here, but I knew better. Her disguise and cover story were excellent though, and they seemed to have fooled everyone else.

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