Chapter 120

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I kept close to Diane as we carried boxes to one of the further trader tables for setup. The locals hadn't really come out yet and those that did were near the entrance of the caravan setup. Diane glanced around, but there wasn't much more to do.

She headed towards one of the trailers that was halfway emptied. I followed behind her and Ace shadowed both of us silently. I didn't even have to look at him to tell that he was alert and still showing some of that protective aura.

Diane sat down on a crate and took a long drink of water. Diane looked at Ace, but he was watching the door with a suspicious expression. She rolled her eyes at his obvious guard dog act. Ace glanced back in time to catch it.

He chuckled lightly as he realized what he was doing and stretched before relaxing into a more calm posture. Diane grinned and shook her head, "Are you sure that you weren't a Guard trainer instead of a Raider trainer? You sure seem to have that role down pat."

He grinned at her teasing tone, "Technically I could teach both classes, but there was far more demand for Raider trainers since most of the Guards were already trained."

Diane shook her head in partial incredulity, "Go figure. Not sure why I asked. Was there any fighting related training at Wainwright that you couldn't teach?"

Ace's silent grin was her answer. From what I had overheard, Ace could probably use almost any weapon he could get his hands on and had always been into sports and exercises like sword fighting and karate long before the zombies had arrived.

We heard Roland talking to someone as they discussed some plows we had in a trailer. I glanced behind us, but Diane had already jumped to her feet by the time I spotted the plows in here with us. I quickly scurried behind her as Diane darted between the trailer and the fence where she wouldn't be seen.

We heard footsteps entering the trailer we had just vacated. Diane sighed and leaned against the trailer, "No one told me that I was taking an audition for Mission Impossible."

Ace chuckled and turned his head at the sound of footsteps. I glanced over to see an unfamiliar guy round the front of the truck not far from us. He had likely seen us leave the trailer and possibly come to see if we had more trade goods on this side. I stepped sideways behind Diane so I was mostly out of sight.

The man seemed delighted to see Diane, which I found bizarre. He walked forward with a wide grin, "What time do you have to be back in heaven? I am sure there is time for me to take you for lunch."

Okay, I had once mistaken Diane for an angel, but he hadn't seen her eyes glow or anything. Diane didn't seem to like the man from her expression. Diane didn't get a chance to respond before Ace took a few steps forward. The stranger staggered to a stop with a scared expression.

If I hadn't known Ace so well, I would have hidden behind Diane. Ace's posture was quite threatening and it looked as if he was about ready to draw his sword. He was clearly letting the man know that he was not welcome here. I wasn't sure why Ace was acting so mean since the man had only invited Diane for lunch. People at almost every settlement offered us food or use of their showers or other facilities. I thought he was taking Kerry's request a bit too far.

Diane glanced at Ace before addressing the man, "Sorry, but I have other plans. Have a good day."

I guess Diane didn't want the stranger around either. That was probably a good thing since we were trying to avoid the locals. If one of them recognized us, it might cause Roland some problems with trading at a later date. The guy nodded rapidly and swiftly retreated back the way he came. From his expression, he wasn't returning any time soon.

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