Chapter 130

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I sat in a chair behind Diane quietly as she spoke to Kerry. Ace silently leaned against the doorframe. He was just as dubious about the wisdom of Diane's latest plan as I was. She had donated blood last night, and she wanted to try donating blood again tonight. Considering how hard a single blood donation hit her, it didn't seem like it was something that should be done a second time within several days.

Kerry also looked at Diane as if to check her sanity, "Are you sure you want to try today? You donated over half of what we needed yesterday."

All of us thought that she was off her rocker, but she had her own reasons as well, "There may be a situation where I donated blood the one day and come across an emergency the next day outside of the fence where someone needs the virus. At least I can see if there are any side effects of calling up the chill two days in a row in a controlled situation."

Neither Ace nor myself had come up with any valid argument for her logic, regardless of how much we disliked her plan. The day after giving blood, Amber usually made sure that Diane took it easy and it was usually a good thing since Diane didn't seem to be entirely up to full speed until the day after that. She was close enough to normal that most wouldn't notice, but Ace and I knew her very well and could see it.

Kerry sighed as she also saw the logic, but had no way to refute it, "Good enough reasoning for me, but I will not be held responsible if someone has to pack you out of here."

I couldn't believe that Diane was arguing to get another needle... Then again, she knew it was coming since we needed a few more vials to fire the waiting group at Kerry's preferred dosage.

Diane chuckled, "If someone ends up carrying me out, then I am going to insist on carrying one of those modified epipens that you have been handing out. I am sure Roland will have no issue allowing me to have one."

At least she had a backup plan. Roland would likely let her carry an epipen without issue. Only certain people were allowed to have the epipens to prevent any accidents or an overeager newcomer from getting a hold of one too early. Those who got fired were carefully supervised their first two days to ensure that they weren't having any problems. This was also one reason that we fired several people at one time and arranged the date in advance.

I followed Kerry and Diane to the exam room where the proper needles and equipment were stored. Another nurse joined Kerry. Two nurses could take twice as much blood as one nurse. It didn't affect how long Diane could hold the chill, although it did put a bit more of a dent in her energy as she recovered. I stood beside her and Ace leaned against the back wall.

Diane closed her eyes in concentration even as Kerry got things ready, but that was normal. What wasn't normal was how much longer it was taking this time. I had never sat here so long while waiting for Diane to pull off this magic trick. I could see her muscles twitching and it looked like she had a headache, but there were no goosebumps yet.

Diane suddenly exhaled as goosebumps appeared, "Now."

Diane's eyes opened and I could see her silver eyes glowing in the dim light of the two led lanterns. Her breathing swiftly grew heavy. I glanced at Ace in concern, but he was watching Diane with a blank expression. I could see a hint of concern in his eyes as he also noticed that Diane's breathing had gotten heavier much faster than normal.

Diane lowered her chin to her chest as she swayed slightly. Her breathing was labored at this point and it hadn't even been fifteen seconds yet. I was getting worried and I could see Kerry and the other nurse were also concerned.

My Heartfire stirred and rose in response to both Diane's declining condition and to my own worry. My rising Heartfire increased my abilities, but when Diane's eyes glowed, her Heartfire went into a state where it burned tremendous amounts of energy and seemed to deprive her of oxygen.

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