Chapter 125

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I helped Ace and Diane shovel snow from the roof of the cattle shed to keep the heavy snow from adding too much weight. I looked towards the gate as I heard the seven bells signal the return of a trader. Someone was returning earlier than expected. They had only left this morning, which likely meant a good haul. Roland had been planning to try a raid on a large store after seeing Dave's success, so it was likely him.

The trucks entered and I was proven correct. We headed over to the truck shelter where others were already gathering. He parked in the shelters as Diane, Ace, and I waited further back for the initial wave of helpers to disperse with their loads. Roland climbed down the ladder and headed over to us.

He looked serious and somewhat troubled, "Diane, I have a question about the Heartfire virus. Have you ever had any problems when you got extremely angry?"

I frowned, had something happened? Why was he specifically inquiring about the Heartfire virus and anger in the same sentence? Strong emotion tended to drive it, but I had never been really angry, so I had no idea.

Diane looked confused, "I am not sure that I ever really got overly angry. I got protective a few times when protecting others from zombies and when taking down a murderer. Why?"

Roland looked closely at her, "Did you ever lose control or blackout?"

Diane shook her head, obviously confused as to what he was getting at, "No, nothing like that. I never got that angry before. Why do you ask?"

Roland took a deep breath and sighed, "We had a small mishap during our raid and Vince lost control."

Ace was a motionless statue beside me. I glanced around, but didn't see Vince or his wife Emma. Where were they? Ace had been holding some classes on temper and self-control since we had feared someone losing control in a rage. With Heartfire abilities, a temper tantrum could have serious consequences.

Diane took a step closer to Roland and asked in a low voice, "What exactly happened?"

Roland ran a hand through his hair, "We were just finishing up a raid on a store and a Swift appeared. Emma was outside the fence and tried to jump behind a spare piece of chain link fence that was leaning against the trailer. The Swift pushed the chain link against the trailer and pinned her. She screamed and Vince came out of the store at a run. He started to run towards her, but when she screamed again he... snapped. Vince actually let out a snarling sound just like the zombie and went so fast no one else had a hope of keeping up.

"He plowed right through the chain link fence between him and the Swift without pausing. He hit the Swift hard enough to send it flying into a nearby dumpster. It barely hit the ground when he came again and pulverized it with just his hands. He never even touched his weapons. When he turned around his eyes were solid orange, which is the same color as his blood. They were glowing very strongly.

"He quickly returned to Emma's side, but just kind of stood there and growled at anyone else who approached. He didn't speak and he didn't seem to be understanding us either. It was as if he was guarding Emma. Once she got over her fright, Emma was able to approach and touch him, and he would just stand there and let her, but if anyone else so much as looked in his direction too long he would growl."

Roland shook his head at the memory, "After several minutes he suddenly shook his head real hard and his eyes regained their blue color. He was disoriented, but back to himself. He says that when he heard Emma scream his vision blacked out and the next thing he knew he was standing beside her covered in zombie blood. He had absolutely no recollection of what happened between those points. I have Emma driving and Vince sitting beside her just to keep them away from the crush of people in case he lost it again. We have no idea what to make of it."

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