Chapter 105

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The trucks slowed as we approached the settlement. This was our last stop before we headed to the factory and then kicked the boilers into high gear to head to the place where Sanctuary would be built. The trucks rolled to a stop and the traders started moving.

We parked outside the palisade, but didn't bother setting up the fences. We left three on sentry duty to lure off any zombies instead. We would not be staying long, just long enough to exchange items that we had bartered for a month ago.

Diane headed towards the gates and I followed. This was the place where we had sent off our letters last time and hopefully they had arrived in time for us to pick them up. We got directions from a young mother and managed to locate the solitary trader in his office.

He smiled as he recognized Diane, "You will be happy to know that I have a letter for you."

He rummaged around in his desk before passing her a very fat envelope. Diane grinned, "I have been quite eagerly awaiting this letter. Thank you so much for holding it."

He chuckled, "No problem. Any time, any time at all."

The people who moved our letters were often happy to see Diane. She usually overpaid the people, and with her Raider training, she often had more uncommon or desirable trade goods. It seemed like a good tactic to me. Our envelopes never went missing and people would often deliver them faster in hopes that she would deal with them again.

The man leaned back in his chair and tilted his head, "Been hearing a lot of rumors about you traders lately."

Diane slowly sat down in a chair in front of his desk, "What kind of rumors?"

Please don't tell me that those teleportation rumors made it this far already. I had hoped that those rumors died a swift death due to disbelief.

The man silently regarded Diane for a moment, "I have heard the rumors in a couple of different places. They are about the traders with the steam trucks and solar panels specifically, although the group can be recognized by their extremely bright blue eyes. Seems that they have some sort of cure for a zombie bite and it is causing quite the hubbub. There are several people who want to get their hands on the cure, but the blue eyed traders move very quickly, which makes them quite elusive for those who are trying to follow their trail or intercept it."

He was obviously inspecting our eyes. I knew they stood out. It was clear that I wasn't related to Diane from how I looked, but our eyes were the same. I was mostly hidden behind her, but he knew I was there and could see my face. Diane thought for a bit, "Are these people coming peacefully? Or is there a chance that they will attack?"

He shrugged, "Most just want to join in case they get bitten. Some hope to trade for the cure. I haven't heard of any plans for attacks or ambushes." He looked at her closely, "I notice you aren't denying the existence of the cure. Are the rumors true? Does it really exist?"

Diane nodded slowly before speaking quietly, "Thank you for that information. We had not heard anything yet. In a way, we do have a cure, but it is another virus and it has its own side effects. Anyone who steals a vial and injects themselves will find themselves in agony in short order. We carefully supervise those who are injected for the first few days until they get the hang of how to avoid the pain. That being said, I know that someone carrying the virus tried to get into most settlements in Alberta and was turned away due to some of the symptoms. Those who do get the virus will be rejected by any group except for ours."

The man was deep in thought, "That information is very valuable. If you have a return letter, feel free to leave it with me. I will deliver it to the next town and hold any response free of charge."

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