Chapter 14

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I was happy again.

Diane created a routine for us. After breakfast I would go to school, once she came back we would shower while talking about our day. After supper there were interesting training sessions or we had time for some games. Every evening we would go to the playground, she would play with me for a bit before running laps and letting me play with the other children. After that it was time for bed.

Of course, Diane always snuck out in the middle of the night. Sometimes I noticed, but usually not. Her footsteps were normally very quiet. She was nearly impossible to hear if she was trying to be quiet.

Suppers were easier as I got to know Matthew, Trish, Nathan, and John better. It was still hard for me to talk with them, but at least I didn't feel like hiding the instant they looked at me. The best part was when I was alone with Diane. She often let her guard down and relaxed. It also seemed to be the only time my shyness disappeared.

We would often laugh and joke around. She seemed to enjoy seeing me smile and laugh. I loved seeing her eyes glow slightly when she was happy. It seemed so magical. They never glowed when others were around though, and I took it as a sign that she trusted me. Her trust made me feel special. Every once in a while I would glimpse her eyes at night with their stronger glow and it never failed to amaze me.


I glanced up to see Matthew enter the school room and talk with Agatha. Why was he here? I didn't remember him ever coming here before. Agatha looked over and noticed me watching, she waved me over. I was worried, had I done something wrong? I glanced at the clock, Diane was late to pick me up. I hoped nothing happened to her. The thought of her injured or dead made my heart hurt.

I walked over nervously and Matthew crouched down so he was closer to my height. He smiled at me as if to reassure me, "Diane is going to be a bit late getting back. We aren't sure when she will be back."

I relaxed, I wasn't in trouble, but I was still concerned, "Is she okay?"

Matthew nodded, "Yes, she just went much further out than she realized and had to make a detour coming back. She will probably be several more hours."

Right. It was a nice cover story, but I knew very well that Diane wouldn't make such a mistake. She must be out doing some other angel stuff without them knowing about it. I nodded easily, "Diane promised she would return. She will, even if she is late."

Matthew and Agatha both blinked in surprise at my easy acceptance. Matthew chuckled as he stood up, "I did talk to her on the radio and promised to keep you company until she returned."

I blinked in surprise, "Okay..." I had no idea what he had in mind.

He gestured to the book case, "Want to pick out a book? I can help you read it."

That was good enough for me. I went over to the book shelf. I ignored most of children's stories. They held no interest for me. I skimmed the titles on the book spines as quickly as I could while looking for something interesting.

I stood on my tip toes, but still couldn't reach the one I wanted. I heard Matthew walk up behind me, his footsteps were far louder than Diane's ever were, despite wearing the same style of winter boot. I glanced back, "Can we read that one?" I pointed up.

He put a finger on one book, "This one?"

I shook my head, "No, the one about plants."

He gave me an odd look before bringing down the red covered book. We went over the couch. It was odd to sit beside Matthew instead of Agatha or Diane. The book was about edible plants and most were found here. I slowly read out the phrases and tried to tie names to the pictures.

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