Chapter 40 - Reaping Recap

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It's July! My favourite time of year. My two favourite Districts are in these games. The arena will be great too.

I smoothed my yellow hair down. I'm trying to grow my hair out, and right now it's at that awkward length where it's just a mess.

"Camera's rolling in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"

"Good evening Panem!" I smile into the camera. A real smile. "I'm back with the 3rd minigames, and boy, and I excited."

"For District 3, we had two volunteers. How unusual!" I laugh. "Arlu Fenugreek, an 18-year-old boy, volunteered for a young boy named Cosmo. His sister, Auricula, was reaped just after Arlu volunteered. I'm sure an alliance will form there."

"Our other volunteer from 3 was Mizar Rabbledeen, a 16-year-old girl. She volunteered for a guy named Marius, who happened to be in an explosion with Arlu and another tribute - Bramble. Bramble and Marius both suffer from internal organ problems from the explosion. It was thoughtful of Mizar to volunteer."

"Moving onto District 7 now," I smile at the camera to the right. "We had three volunteers. I think District 7 may act like the Careers of this minigame."

"Our first volunteer was Thalia Dunbryll. She volunteered for a guy named Lotus. She obviously didn't care much about the relation, but I've done some sleuthing and found out that Lotus is her adoptive brother, and the only reason she could live with him is if he was reaped this year, she would be forced to volunteer. I can't wait to interview her!"

"Next up was Briar Spottiswoode, who seems like the typical Career - in a good way. A handsome, young, muscular man with confidence - he'll be a Capitol favourite."

"Lastly was Vibia Ballantynn. She volunteered, telling everyone that she is a Career. Good luck to her, she'll be fun to interview."

"We also have Vanity Strong from District 7, who has recently been diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a brittle bone condition. She broke her fingers on the day of the Reaping."

"Finally is District 11," I say. "There were no volunteers for these games, however, there are still some interesting tributes."

"Ogilby Hayes, the 14-year-old boy, has a broken leg from falling out of a tree at work. I hope he recovers in time for the games!"

"We also have Otillie Sofee, a boy without his right index finger. I wonder if his blood was taken at the Reaping."

"I also have some great news. Fione Lickprivick is pregnant! This will be her last year as co-presenter!"

"Our third set of tributes have been Reaped. Are you excited? I certainly am! I've been Phillipe Honeyman, thank you and goodnight everybody!"


District 3: Billee Washam, Gauis Jistance, Theta Herriot, Mizar Rabbledeen, Yasmin Hodge, Arlu Fenugreek, Auricula Colbee, Bramble Selkirk

District 7: Thalia Dunbryll, Briar Spottiswoode, Vibia Ballantynn, Shauna Rudopline, Flux Vipointe, Alberto Jango, Confrey Welder, Vanity Strong

District 11: Skene Chaffee, Persei Chanomile, Indigo Townsley, Ogilby Hayes, Violetta Santolina, Otillie Sofee, Orchid Jarvis, Wyatt Sloane

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