Chapter 61 - Tribute Parade

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For the last minigame, the Capitol citizens took their places, clutching the accessories they had brought with them. Twenty four tributes are getting ready to line up in their chariots and proceed down the concrete runway.

The people buzzed with excitement, not knowing what the tributes will look like. Since January, seventy two tributes have rolled out in chariots. Some, like Chester, looked astounding. Others, like Ogilby, suffered the worst of the outfit designs.

The screams grew deafening as Hazil rolled out, being pulled by a white steed. She wore purple painted shells as a bra and a long, emerald green skirt, with matching shoes. The skirt had various green sequins attached, forming scales. Seaweed was in her hair and she wore pearl jewellery. She was a mermaid.

The Capitol screamed for the female Career, throwing roses at her. She caught as many as she could, forming a beautiful bouquet in her arms.

Tule wore a white shirt and trousers, lined with blue. He wore a blue ascot and a white hat, tilted slightly to the left. He pulled a telescope out from his pocket and began to eye the crowd, looking for the ones cheering his name.

Trey wore a sleeveless jacket, a casual, plain white shirt and a pair of combats. His hat had hooks attached the entire way around and he held a fishing pole in his hands. He pretended to cast the line, making the crowd squeal with delight.

Libo looked unamused as he rolled out, pulled by black horses. He wore a jacket with a toy parrot sewn to it. His clothes were slightly ripped and an eyepatch was placed over his left eye. He wore a spotted bandanna under his captain's hat. He held a hook in his right hand and swung it at the crowd.

Aloe looked scared and intimidated by the colourful, screaming crowd as she was pulled out. She wore big, orange, waterproof overalls, with the hood draped over her face. She swung two big nets around, throwing toy fish left and right. Citizens barged each other to try and catch a flying mackerel or a whizzing salmon.

Eunia swayed in her chariot as she rolled out. Her dress was long, blue and absolutely beautiful. The dress had been studded with a variety of blue gems, ranging from aqua to indigo. She twirled every so often, the dress floating around her legs like the waves in the sea.

May looked like she was ready to kill someone. Her stylist had obviously not taken her seriously, dressing her in a grey fish costume. She didn't move at all as the chariot rode through the laughing citizens. Even the tributes in front of her giggled.

Ostro was the last tribute for District 4. Ostro waved shyly to the crowd. His sleeveless shirt and trousers were nave blue. He wore a white scarf around his neck,p and a sailor hat on his head. He had fake tattoos all over his arms, just like a deckhand.

First up for District 8 was Struve. He did not look impressed to be in his chariot. Struve wore a Peacekeeper outfit, symbolising that the outfits are made in District 8, not District 2. He held his baton in the air with a clenched fist, his knuckles white against his tanned skin.

Cornelia rolled out wearing a long pink dress. Her hair had a load of pink fabric strips weaver into braids. Around her waist, she wore a long piece of pink silk, tied in a bow at the side. There really is no logic to her outfit other than it's bright and colourful, but she still gets a massive cheer from the crowd.

Kern wore an apron covered in many different colours. He held a paint palette and brush in his hands, the palette covered in the colours matching his apron. He wore a beret on his head and a pencil behind his ear.

A man threw a red-pink rose at him. Kern caught the delicate flower. Realising it was artificial, Kern dabbled white paint all over the rose, trying to gain respect from the Capitol by showing a fake love for the President. White roses are the Presidential trend.

Pleione looked unamused as she came out. Pleione's normal, black hair had been curled and stuck up on its ends, forming an afro. Her hair had all the colours of the rainbow in it, reds, yellows, blues, greens, oranges and purples mixed in with each other. Her dress matched her hair - it was big, puffy and multi coloured. The Capitol loved it: rainbow will probably become a trend now.

Lance wore a worn-out apron and a shirt consisting of many different fabrics sewn together. He held a needle threaded with lilac string in one hand. He had a tape measure around his neck and a pair of scissors in his belt.

Tori was been spray painted beige. She stood completely still in the same position - her arms in the air. She had metal rods attached to her arms, legs and back. She had a pretty yellow dress wrapped around her body. The crowd cheered for the mannequin.

Denim was next. He wore a pair a waistcoat, a purple tie and a blue shirt. He had small glasses on and a tape measure around his neck too, just like Lance. He held a variety of stationary in his hand, occasionally throwing things into the crowd.

Hydra was last for District 8. She wore a blue wooly jumper, with beige gloves, a lilac scarf and a red hat. She held two long knitting needles in her hands, along with balls of multicoloured wool. She launched the wool into the crowd, laughing at the citizens who received a hit in the face.

First up for District 12 was Gliese. She couldn't hear the Capitol's yelling and cheering, so she stood still like the mannequin. Gliese was dressed in all silver. Her face and hair were spray painted to match her clothes. Coal is normally grey. Maybe she is iron, seeing as the District have struck that a few times. Maybe Gliese will be like the iron, hard to get to but worth having.

Iberis wore the exact same outfit every sigle sibling had - the coal miner outfit. He wore the same denim dungarees, the coal dust stained shirt, the yellow helmet with the flashlight on. He gripped the iron pickaxe in his hand. He looked as if he was going to throw the pick at any minute.

Shaw came out next. His skinny body was covered in coal dust. Luckily, Shaw had been dressed, wearing a black sleeveless shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. The cheers were still high.

Rhymer wore a mining outfit too, but his was slightly different. He wore an orange helmet, dirty overalls and gloves. He held a shovel in his hand, covered in mud and coal dust. God, a District 12 outfits are terrible.

Crucis came in, his horses not black like all of the others. His outfit consisted of an apron. He wielded bandages and a medicine bottle in his hands. His apron was clean and coal dust free, unlike the other tributes' overalls. Medicine became a secondary job in District 12, and to be honest, it still is.

Felix was next. Felix wore overalls, a yellow helmet and a face protector of some sort. He had a long metal pole in his hands that generated fake sparks. He must be a metallurgist.

Dusty was next. He was covered in coal dust. The Capitol laughed and groaned at the play on his name. He held large boxes of coal in his arms. He threw the coal - which happened to be fake - at the Capitol citizens. They caught the coal and yelled his name in appreciation.

Last in was Sebalek. He wore a bright orange jacket, a white helmet and a large backpack. He has a harness around his waist and some sort of weird pickle in his hand. He was a geologist.

The tributes circled the stadium a few times, the sound of laughter and admiration radiating from the crowd. The President actually came out this time to greet the tributes to their hotel of death. Once he finished, he said the infamous line of "May the odds be ever in your favour."

The tributes started to pull their costumes off as they made their way into the Training Centre. I'm just over a week, only three will be alive.

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