Chapter 1 - District 1 Reapings

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Sitting on the sofas with the families and friends people have gathered with, waiting for the anticipated announcement related to the 500th annual Hunger Games – very early on in the year – the world glances at the clocks around their property, awaiting the flicker of the television they sit around. 6.59pm: in less than a minute, the announcement will be live on every television in Panem.

Televisions around Panem begin to flicker as the face of none other than President Ranunculus Ammon, his dark hair shining under the lights. It seems like President Ammon has ruled over Panem for centuries; that isn't true, obviously. It has been a very long time though.

"Good evening Panem!" President Ammon boomed, tilting his head toward the cameras. "As you all know, as a reminder of the Dark Days, the annual Hunger Games will be coming up shortly. This year, the much anticipated Quarter Quell is just around the corner!"

People around the richer areas of Panem all seem to gasp in unison; the games don't usually happen until at least June time every year. Of course, that must mean that the announcement is going to be big this year and that nothing has ever quite lived up to whatever is about to be said to the citizens staring in awe at their screens.

A little blonde boy dressed in a sky blue tuxedo walked up to the President, a smile beaming on his face, and hands him the small white scroll he carried. The President clutches it as he removes it from the little boy's hands; the boy shuffles out of sight so that the focus is all on the ruler of Panem.

"Anyway," President Ammon announced, as he unrolled the scroll. "This year, to remind the districts of Panem that no matter how many people try to rebel, we can destroy every single one of you." He read from the pure white piece of paper in his hand. The President glared into the camera; people shiver and turn up their noses at the evil face before them. "There will be five Games this year, four minigames, and one Ultimate Game. 8 Tributes will be reaped and the minigames will be held between three districts, with three survivors. After the minigames, one tribute per district will be reaped, so once all four minigames are over, there will be twenty four tributes remaining for the Ultimate games!" The excitement from the crowd was creepy, how could they be so excited to watch children die?! "The first Reapings will begin on January 31st – also known as tomorrow. The Reapings for the first games will be between the citizens of One, Five and Nine," he squinted as he read from the paper, the evil, twisted smile on his face becoming brighter than ever.

"Happy Hunger Games," he shouted, the crowd going wild like animals as he does so, "and may the odds be ever in your favour!" The crowd's roar was deafening through the speakers of the televisions of Panem; the live audience are Capitol citizens and will obviously be excited for the games. Children around Panem started crying and screaming at the realisation of having an even bigger chance of being reaped than normal...


Pulling on the tight dress my mum had left on the table for me, I can't help but squeal at the sight of myself. It is beautiful! I was beautiful – no, I am beautiful. Diamonds were studded along the bottom and the sleeves, shimmering whenever I moved. Diamonds are a girl's best friend is a saying my mum once told me; it isn't a false statement.

Of course, I had to look in the mirror once more to admire the beauty that I've transformed into. My hair usually falls neatly down my back, but right now it manages to puff up and curl around my body, leaving me to look twice as beautiful as usual.

"Roxen," my mum calls from downstairs, indicating that she wanted something from me or wanted to tell me something; I know how it works. I didn't need to answer her call out; I just trot down the stairs, the diamonds refracting every time I place my foot onto the step slightly lower down. Upon entering the kitchen, Mum gasps and stares, her mouth agape. "Oh Roxen," Mum squeals, her voice cracking as she finally manages to get the words out. "You look beautiful!"

Deceived: The 500th Annual Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now