Chapter 74 - The Twisted Reaping

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Phillipe cackles, holding his cup of coffee. "Gentlemen, time to reveal the twist."

"Phillipe, you don't think we can demolish the games, can we?" Kip questioned.

Phillipe taps his chin. "I don't know. To be honest, we can die trying if we want to, but I don't know. I don't like making the announcement, but we can't change too much yet."

"President orders," Jarrett mimics. "Not yet, soon."

Ranunculus' hologram, more realistic than half of the Capitol, begins to speak as one of the beautiful servants of the Capitol's big mansion stands, swaying, by the bowls containing so few names.

"Panem, today, I present the twist," the hologram boomed. "As a twist, the twelve new tributes reaped will be related to the tributes - dead or alive - of the last four games. No volunteers."

District One's bowl is hovered over by the petite girl on the stage. As her hand dips into the bowl, her slender fingers pick out one of the slips of paper.

"Domitia Midgar."

In District One, Septimus broke down, the realisation that his cousin is entering the games had slapped him in the face.

District Two's bowl, about to have a name pulled out that can't be saved, can't have a volunteer, is the next one up. Her hand, daintily wavering over the names, pulls a slip to the right.

"Anise Odinshoot."

In District Two, Spikelet sits, holding his head in his hands, as Anise slowly stands up to excuse herself.

District Three's bowl, containing three names, is next. The hand, slim and dainty, pills the slip that revels the unlucky soul entering the games.

"Cosmo Colbee."

Auricula and Arlu grip onto the twelve year old, choking on their tears as Cosmo states blankly at the screen.

District Four's bowl isn't too much bigger. Few names loiter at the bottom of the glass bowl. As the paper was gripped, the district held their breath.

"Thyme Greenlaw."

Thyme, home alone, picked up his dinner plate and launched it across the room. He thinks of Ostro, how he was so brave.

District Five is next. The glass bowl, as clear as their intelligence, presented their paper slips; written on the slips are the relatives of the eight dead tributes.

"Annika Spens."

Annika, currently sat in the arms of her mother, begins to leak tears. The seventeen year old, thinking of her sister, accepts her fate and clings to her mother more than before.

District Six, almost halfway now. Their bowl, sitting on it's small podium, as the lady's hand reaches into the clear sphere and picks a name.

"Zenobia Hornblast."

Citizens of Six run out of their streets, ready to reveal the news to the homeless girl. As the public tell her, her eyes widen slightly. Deep down, she doesn't care. She'd rather die.

District Seven's bowl, next to the near-empty bowls of its neighbour Districts, has it's tribute withdrawn. The paper, slowly unfolded, revealed its tribute.

"Alix Vipointe."

Alix, swallowing his forkful of food, cheers as his name is revealed. Finally, he can prove that the Vipointe family aren't weaklings, that he's so much better than his deceased brother, Flux.

District Eight bite their nails as their bowl is revealed. The lady slips her hand into the eighth bowl, chooses one of the few slips of paper and reveals the tribute.

"Kristov Berry."

Kristov and Hydra, in complete shock, run out of the house and start throwing stones around the street. Villagers try to stop the twins, but their rampage is too livid.

District Nine is more filled than any other bowl. As the hand elegantly swoops around the bowl, the name chosen is said aloud.

"Sagataria Allardyce."

The Allardyce family sit and weep as another one of their children; Ivory immediately flees from her house to try and visit the girl before they both depart.

District Ten, empty compared to Nine's bowl, sits in front of the pretty girl. Her hand sweeps over the minute number of paper slips.

"Casio Picklewood."

Rupilia and Leon stare at their friend before letting tears spill from their eyes. Casio opens the locket around his neck to stare at his sister, now knowing how she felt when she was reaped.

District Eleven, the penultimate bowl. The large district hold their breath as the name is picked from the meagre supply of slips inside the bowl.

"Oregano Grostle."

Persei legs it from her house, trying to find Skene's cousin. She doesn't want to lose another member of his family. Oregano sits, wondering how he was chosen over the few other names in the bowl.

District Twelve, the last bowl. The few names presented on the slips in the bowls are moved around until the last tribute is chosen.

"Cynder Rawdawg."

Rhymer screeches at the television as he realises his sister has been chosen to represent District Twelve with him. The two of them cling to each other, waiting for the next announcement.

"You have an hour to say goodbye. Peacekeepers will be with you in less than two minutes. Choose your token, kiss your family goodbye and get on the train. Happy Hunger Games!"

The Districts, unhappy with the twist for many reasons, begin to throw things and smash random objects.

Peacekeepers, summoned from all corners of their assigned Districts, appear at the doors of the houses, pre victors or not. Tokens are chosen and people kiss their loved ones goodbye.

Then they're marched away from their families; twenty three of them won't return.

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