Chapter 70 - The Arena: Day 2

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Waking up and realising Hazil is dead wasn't the best feeling. Hazil, our leader, our ally. Her body is either being placed gently into a District Four coffin or being cremated.

Cornelia was perched on the edge of a rock, throwing whatever flammable items she could grab into the roaring blitz in front of her. To be honest, I wish she had died. Someone I have no desire to work along side.

Noisily, Libo rolled over in his oversized sleeping bag, snoring softly as his body repositioned at a less awkward angle than before. Any heinousness that he possessed before seems to have vanished.

Where the hell is Trey? My best buddy, the only person who'll ever be more than an ally. Maybe he's off doing a tribute hunt? No, he wouldn't go without another person... District four often messes up after thinking to arrogantly of themselves. At least I know how to balance my big headed attitude.

It takes a long time for me to roll over; I can't help but think of where Trey may have gotten to. Curiosity gets the better of me - unfortunately, I don't think of asking sleeping Libo. I end up asking toxic Cornelia, and her response isn't pretty.

"I don't fricking know, Tule. If I cared, I would've asked where he was going at two in the morning!" Her voice was harsh; her breath was visible in front of her porcelain face.

My mouth drops. Appalling."Are you saying you know Trey left and first, you didn't tell us, but second, you just let him go?" Words can't describe my disgust.

"Face it, he was of no use anyway," Cornelia screams. I'm surprised her throat isn't sore after the growl she added to her speech.

Libo rose from his charcoal coloured bag, rubbing his eyes. "What the hell is going on?"

"Long story short, Cornelia let Trey leave." Animosity towards Cornelia fills me up. My possessions are all neatly lined up by my sleeping bag. Right next to my empty sleeping bag sits my chosen weapon: the spear.

"You really care?" Libo spat. "What use was Trey to us? He was like a sheep, following the best heard because no one else was willing to let him into theirs."

Putting my possessions into my bag, I decide that I'm not going on a tribute hunt. "I'm leaving," I blurt out. The words sound whiny, but a hint of malignity makes its way into my statement.

"Trey is more important than us?" Cornelia scoffed. Her long blonde hair flew behind as she quickly stood up. Face red and fist clenched, she advanced towards me. "Leave then. You're of no use if you refuse to work without petty Trey."

"Hazil was our leader," I scream at her. "Trey, Hazil and I were a team in training, before the games. We let Libo in because our District told us to. Now our leader is dead and Trey is missing, I have no reason to stay. Hazil's no longer here - you shouldn't be either. I never wanted you as an ally." My face is flushing, I can feel it.

She starts shaking her fists at me - not a wise idea. Does she not realise I have a spear in my reach and she's defenceless; I didn't suspect she was that stupid. Gripping the spear, I poke the blade at her stomach.

Contact. The spear wobbles in my grip as I draw blood from her stomach. Not a deep cut - it won't even stop her from running, but it distracts her for a second or two.

"Did the poor little girl get a boo-boo?" I taunt, waving the spear above my head. "If you get caught off guard by a cut, you really shouldn't have sacrificed your life." I raise my voice slightly. "Listen Panem. If you can't ignore a small cut, volunteering is a waste of time. You won't be the victor."

Cornelia tries to pounce on me, but I roll. Cornelia smashes her head against a patch of concrete on the floor, but I'm sure she'll be fine. It's not like she damaged her brain or anything - she can barely work out one plus one.

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