Day 45- Place we've been to

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The sunlight drifted through my translucent curtains and onto my very face. A blotch of bright white woke me up, my eyelids still heavy and dry.

I turned to the other side and scrunched up the sheets. I winked open my eye to see if Jellal had woken up or not and to my utter surprise, he wasn't where he last slept; on the floor.

I confusedly sat up and noticed the futon and the sheets neatly folded and placed near my study desk. The only thing lingering around the room was his scent. I wondered if he had by chance gone downstairs, so I quickly got out of the bed and rushed to the kitchen upon hearing muffled voices.

I clenched my heart and stopped midway when I saw mom and dad talking to each other about something but they had ceased when I showed up.

"Oh, you're awake, Erza." Mom smiled at me.

"Want to eat breakfast?" Dad asked, chewing on his egg; his focus still on today's newspaper.

"Uh...Yeah, um, be right back!" I said and went back to my room.

I disconnected my phone from the charger and called Jellal but he didn't pick up. I tried a couple more times but to no avail.

I received a call from my boss at the very moment telling me to get to the store as soon as possible because there's no one to take care of it plus he said he would pay me extra for today so I hastily freshened up into something loose, ate whatever mom cooked for breakfast and hurried to the store (The boss did say ASAP)

The walked inside the already open door which I reasoned was opened by the Boss himself, threw my bag underneath the counter and wore my employee badge.

I am very well aware that using the phone while working is prohibited but I couldn't take him out of my mind that easily. I was worried as to where he had suddenly disappeared to. Couldn't he have left a note or something? Or wait...he might have but I was in an unbelievable hurry that I must have turned a blind eye to it.

I tried messaging him,

To- Jelly

Subject- Where are you?

Where the hell are you, Fernandes? You can't just vanish into thin air like this. At least you could have informed me, I'm damn worried about you...and don't you dare ignore this message!

And all I could do now was wait.

The day went as smoothly as the puffy clouds in the sky and as calmly as the river by the Tokyo Bridge. As soon as a customer had left with her items, my phone vibrated in my pocket and I speedily took it out (I wonder why at times like these even the laziest people become the fastest)

And sure enough, it was his reply.

From- Jelly

Subject- ...

Let's meet up and talk. Takumi Aquarium and 8.

I was confused but at the same time over-excited. Does this mean, it's a date of some kind? It surely must be since there's a place and a time. But, I shouldn't overthink it. What if he just wants to "talk"?

I never really expect much from him and I feel that expecting too much is just gonna shatter my heart into a million pieces and hell, it would be difficult to piece it together.

Nevertheless, I need to go. I need to hear what he has to say.

To- Jelly

Subject- -

100 days with him! ( A Jerza Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now