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She stared at up the cold winter evening and wondered what had happened to her life....her family. She shivered her cloths consisted of a tank top and pajama bottoms. She had a deep gash on her chest and it hurt like hell. The person who stabbed her ran into the dusk of the cold night. Her name is Lillian. She slowly got up the grass around her tinted a deep scarlet. She held in screams of complete blinding agony and began to shuffle home. She felt weak like she could have fought H-Him.The thought of her stabber as a human being made her cringe and hate her thought so much more. She held her gash and spat out blood onto the grass in an attempt to get the horrible taste of iron out of her mouth. Lillian finally saw her house which she had worked so hard to run away from when him or rather it tried to murder her and her family. She began to notice the flies gathering around her .Her feet began to pound onto the cold wet earth. It created a sick slapping noise. She finally reached her home and shot through the door like a rocket. CRASH. Her rug pulled out from under her feet as she fell flat onto her face. She cried out in pain and broke into agonizingly painful sobs. Suddenly she heard a Click! From the window next to her. The boy who had stabbed her pulled himself in. His long light blond hair shone in the moon light pouring through the window. His eyes two powerful deep pools of crimson looked down at her.


She laid there, a mess of blood, tattered hair, ripped cloths, and eyes that made you want to help when you know you can't. The boy thought that to himself while he twirled around his ice pick. The boy's name is Dylan. The girl let out ever so pitiful screams of 'Help!' and 'God why?!' .The boy chuckled as he knew there was no helping her. "W-Who are you?"The girl asked her body shaking with sobs. He bent down and put the ice pick right on her cheek and did a stabbing motion but never broke skin. He whispered into the girls' ear ever so devilishly tremor went through her small pathetic body. "Does it matter?" He smiled, and added. "Because there's no way in hell you're ever going to get out of this alive." The girl places her hand on his and his and digs her nails in hard. "I will get out alive!" The boy just smiles.


Almost sweetly... What the hell is going on in this boys mind? The girl thought as she looked into those psychotic eyes. The boy picks up Lillian and presses his hand onto her bloody wound. She cries out in pain. Agonizing, throbbing, horrible pain. Tears brim up in her eyes and the soon fall creating warm trails of the salty fluid all the way down her cheeks. Lillian struggles to fight for her life...


She's so readable like a book, Dylan thinks and laughs shrilly and evilly. "You know dear Lucille," He stops to look deeply into her eyes and presses harder on the gash. In turn Lillian screams "MAKE IT STOP OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!!!!" Music to his ears and he spins laughing still. But stops and looks back down into her pink eyes. "Even if you were to leave you'd never have another life." He smirks and begins to stroll down to her bedroom. As he reached the room, the lights flicked on and the room was revealed. There a small bed was placed in the corner and only that. He walks in and places her down on the bed and begins once again starting the one sided conversation. "But you know that don't you Lucille."

All Lillian could do was nod.Accepting her fate

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