The fam finds out

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Sunday morning when everyone is up and chilling out.

Levy's POV
Gajeel and I had finally got up and ate some breakfast, we just ate toast and flopped on the couch watching Netflix.. could this be faze one of Netflix and chill!? If so.. we better keep it quiet... hehe

" alright what do you wanna watch lev..?" Gajeel said as I sat down next to him and snuggling into his side.

" hmm.. I actually don't know.. you choose.." I said, Gajeel shrugged and went through the endless options.
After all that we both picked 27 dresses, I was personally suprised when Gajeel actually agreed to watch it, I guess because it's Sunday, his bad ass part of his brain isn't working..

Time skip to the end of the movie
There was a loud knock on the door which startled Gajeel and I.

" hold up, coming!" Gajeel yelled as he quickly jumped over the couch got dressed and answered the door in under 30 seconds, damn..

Gajeels POV
I opened the door to see one of Metalicana' friends standing there with a bunch of others behind him, I instantly felt like dragging his ass down here and pulverizing his sorry ass into the ground..

" hey Gajeel, holy crap you look like your dad, .." this guy was almost the same size as Metalicana and had grey hair, before he could finish I cut him off slightly growling.

" what do you want with the old barstard?" I said really considering shutting the door in their faces.

"Well we came here to get your pops and take him to the strip club, which reminds me.. you wanna tag along?" I instantly felt disgusted, I growled deeply, lowering my voice to a deadly tone.

" I don't wanna tag along to your bloody strip club runs, and I'll be telling the old geezer your here, don't you dare step foot in this house.." I said almost popping this guy in the snout, I shut the door and went into the spare room where Metalicana was there getting ready.

" your old geezer gang is here.." I said coldly, when this barstard leaves he won't be coming back..

" make sure to pack everything, you won't be comin back.." I said as I threw a bag at him and went back down stairs where levy was still on the couch looking worried.

" is everything ok gaj?" She asked, Pantherlily was sitting in her lap purring, I sighed and walked over.

" everything's alright.. just some of the old geezers friends being jerks.." I said as I kissed her forehead reassuringly, she smiled and kissed me, I heard footsteps coming down the wooden stairs and pulled away from levy, alright so I haven't told anyone about levy and I being together.. but I will, eventually..
Metalicana walked out the door with all his bags packed and shut the door behind him, I heard his friends talk for a bit then they drove off.

" Gajeel.. who was that?" Mum came out of her room looking at the door.

" Metalicana just left with his old geezer clan.." I chuckled as mum gave me a look, alright I'm gonna tell her, wait no, yes.. agh bloody hell. Why is this so hard..
Levy had excused herself because she had received a call from her mother so it was just mum and I

" Gajeel.. it looks like you having a battle with yourself.. something on your mind?" I sighed deeply in defeat, how does she always get to me..

" yea.. there is something.. it's about levy and I.. we're.." before I could finish mums eyes widened and she squealed like the fan girls at my school. Yep she knew..

" I'm so happy for you! Have you told anyone else? Does levy's mother know? Does Jesse or Rosie know?" Mum was flooding me with questions, it was overwhelming.. eh..

" alright alright hold up.. firstly, no I haven't told anyone else, levy's mum doesn't know and neither does Rosie or Jesse.." geez, how did I not see this coming..
I heard levy finish up the call as she walked into the room looking at mum and I.

" you couldn't keep it in huh Gajeel..?" Levy smirked knowingly, I pouted and flopped on the couch as levy and mum fangirled.. just as I thought this girly shit was over Rosie came down stairs.

" lemme guess, Gajeel finally gave up his bad ass pride and asked little miss levy out.. am I wrong?" Rosie said as she went into the fridge to get something to eat.
Mum squealed and so did levy, soon after Rosie joined in to while I just laid on the couch.

Time skip to Sunday night.

We all sat at the table eating dinner which was just simple spaghetti. Or as Rosie likes to call it.. spag bowl.. I don't even know why but it's just stuck since she was little.
We all ate happily and quietly, after dinner Rosie and mum did the dishes and everyone got ready for school, although none of us where enthusiastic about it, everyone still had bruises from paint ball.
Levy went into her room to get her uniform and everything ready, I was just coming from my room when I heard a knock on the door, I walked up to it and opened it, Metalicana was standing at the door, obviously stoned, and drunk. I growled and glared at him,

"What the hell do you think your doing here.." I gripped the front of his shirt slightly lifting him off the ground.

" ey son.. I know ya said nut to come beck but.. I dunt ave aney wear to go.." Metalicana slightly swayed as he talked, I sighed deeply as mum came up behind me.

" I'll deal with this Gajeel.." mum sounded pissed off to the max.. I walked off and went into levy's room where it just so happened she was actually waiting for me, with no top.. or anything but underwear and bra.. both black and lacy.. I felt my face boil as I looked at her up and down.
Levy giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine, I was instantly turned on.. I quickly took off my shirt and laid levy down on the bed, not breaking the kiss for the whole time.

Daaamn! This shit is going down! lol I love shipping these to!


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