The introduction

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Levy's POV
" come on levy your going to be late!" Mum called out from the kitchen.

" alright! I'm up.."

I really hate mornings.. but I couldn't really complain today for I was going to a new school! I was so excited! I ran to my closet taking out my uniform, it was a white blouse with the school emblem on the right pocket, a red skirt, knee high white socks and a red tie, I put my hair in a red headband for it was too short to be put into a ponytail..
after I was done, I ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

" well someone is in a hurry.." my mother giggled, she was already dressed for work

" well I don't want to make a bad first impression.." I said as I took my plate to the sink rinsing it off and walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Once I was done I grabbed my bag and phone and walked to the door.

" alright mum I'm leaving now!" I called to her.

" alright have a good day sweetness!" I have no idea why my mum calls me that but I just shrug it off and close the door behind me.
I walked along the street when I saw my crush open the door and walk out with his little sister and brother.

" alright I'll make sure she doesn't kill anyone.." his name was Gajeel Redfox and his too siblings where named Rose-Marie and Jesse. The whole family where rebels, except for Jesse.. he was a head smaller than gajeel, he had short black spiky hair with a white streak at the front, Rose-Marie on the other hand was bold, just like her big brother, although she was the youngest and the smallest, that 13 year old packed a punch. She had a shade of red to her brown hair with natural blonde streaks.
To be honest I was head over heels for gajeel, but I didn't really see him in the mornings because he rode his motorbike to school everyday but today he didn't for some reason.. I wonder why?

Gajeels POV
Ugh why do I have to go back to this hell every single year.. sure I get to see everyone again.. but the work is shit and the teachers are shit and the rules are shit.. let's just say everything there is shit. But this year is different.. my little sister Rosie is on her first day while I'm in my senior year and Jesse is in year 10.

" oh Gajeel!! make sure Rosie is made welcome and doesn't get a bad reputation straight away.." mum called out after us.

" alright I'll make sure she doesn't kill anyone.." I called back as the trio of us began to walk. I saw the new chick that moved in not that long ago on the other side of the street, she was wearing a senior tie.. like mine.. how the hell is she that tiny.. that's something I'll never get.. I saw her mum and she's really tall.. but not her.. meh I don't give a crap let's just get the shitty day over with its bad enough that my bike is being serviced..

Time skip to the first lesson( cuz I can.. :3) homeroom
Levy's POV
" alright class we have a new student joining us for this year, levy mcgarden.." the teacher said as he referred to me, I smiled shyly, everyone said hi and settled back down.

" alright role call.." the teacher began to call names as the following students called out 'here'. Just as the teacher was about to call out another name, gajeel jumped through the window and sat down like nothing happened, to my surprise the teacher didn't even notice.

" gajeel Redfox.." the teacher called finally looking up from the role to see him sitting there.

" here.." gajeel said his face was slightly a shade of red as if he had been running, his deep and gruff voice was literally mesmerizing to me.

Gajeels POV
I was hanging out with a couple chicks when I realized the bell had rung like 10 minuets ago.. so I sprinted to my homeroom and jumped through the window, to my surprise the blue headed chick was there.. and that meant she would be in all my classes.. fan bloody tastic.. meh I don't give a shit I usually skip all my classes.. unfortunately not this year I had to graduate or gramps said I would be kept down.. ( by gramps I mean makorov) it looks like I got here just in time for the stupid role call..

"Gajeel Redfox.." the teacher called looking up from the clipboard

" here.." I said trying to make it not look like I had sprinted across campus. Some of my friends in homeroom moved to sit next to me as the teacher was busy talking about some random shit.. a couple minuets later the bell rang, thank god.. I got up and walked out of class to my locker, that's where I saw my little sister at her locker that was surprisingly next to mine.

" yo squirt what ya doin here.." a said as I nudged  her with my arm. For her age she was more developed than girls in my grade which also was surprising.

" I'm getting my books and being a good girl.. what does it look like?" Rosie chuckled as she closed her locker with a couple books in her arms and a pencil case. I simply shrugged and got my own things out before shutting my locker and started walking to class.

" cya round rose.." I said as I passed her.

" later.." Rosie said simply as she walked in the opposite direction to her next class.

Well that was a pretty good chapter so far.. I did that under 30 minuets.. you proud of me?


I take that as a yes.. make sure to give me a few pointers!


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