Lost Boy-Namjoon

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It was a very cold night...all of my brothers are sleeping and i was here by the window with my earphones in and admiring the beauty of the stars...i closed my eyes and a few moments later i heard a loud thug. I stood up and opened the window.

"Hello is anyone there?!" I look so dumb waiting for an answer. So i walked out of the window. I looked around to see if anyone is here. I said in my mind "geez someone is pranking again" so i just rolled my eyes and start walking back to my window. But when i took a step i slipped and fell from the roof. I closed my eyes accepting that this is the last night of my life. But then..

Somebody catches me. I opened my eyes again and a saw a man...A ver handsome man..and...

"WE'RE FLYING!?" He looked at me then smiled. I blushed...Geez his dimples!

"Yep,we're flying" he said as we both feel the fresh wind flying through my hair..After a moment of time he put me down on the rooftop. I sat on the roof and he sat beside me as well. There was complete silence between the two of us.

"Well may i know your name sir?"  I said to break the silence.

"Namjoon" he said with a smile. "What about you ma lady? May i know your name?"

"Its Y/N"

"Y/N...such a lovely name!" I blushed through his compliment.

"T-thank you...." I replied while looking away."a-anyways...Namjoon how can you fly?"

"Actually i got a lil help.."

"From whom?"

"Its a secret, darling" he said with a wink. Which makes me even more red. That "DARLING" at the end..geez.!

"You're blushing real bad" he said with a slight chuckle.

"N-no i'm n-not!" I replied while looking away.

"Pft!" He said then pinches my cheeks. Ok..i might say i have a lil crush on him.JUST A LIL BIT OK?

"I didn't know you look so pretty Y/N.."he said while smiling at me. I looked at him.

"M-me? P-pretty? B-but i look like a p-potato" he laughed.

"Hey you're not! You look like a fabulous princess" he said then held my hand. He kissed the back of my hand while staring at me. I blushed real hard. He smiled at me. His smile is more brighter than the moon. I heard a loud thug coming from my bedroom.

"Oh man what is that?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh it's nothing just my brother falling from his bed" i said then giggles.

"Oh" he giggles as well.he looked up the sky then frowns. "Aww i guess i have to go back now.."

I frowned as well " are you gonna go back?.."

He stood up then smiled at me "yep i wll" he helped me stand up. " i will be back my princess Y/N" he pecked my forehead before he flew up. He waved at me before he disappears through the sky.

I smiled widely then goes back into our room.

"That was the best thing that happened to my life..ever!" I got to my bed then closes my eyes.

SUP YALLS ITS MAH FIRST TIME WRITING SOME ONESHOTS! KEKEKEK! But it was fun tho..i'll try and update tomorrow or maybe This friday. Bai bai guyss!

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