Chapter 1

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I tapped my fingers on my knee to the beat of Blink-182 blasting through my headphones. Groups of unknown faces walked past the reception of my new school while looking in on me through the glass windows. I had a dark suitcase pressed uncomfortably against my leg, clad in ripped skinny jeans. I got a few funny looks, no one was expecting a new girl a few weeks into the term.

"Riley Hunter?" The blonde receptionist chirped from behind the computer. Her perfectly shaped nails clicked against the keyboard as she directed me to the Headmasters office. I hauled my suitcase behind me and unenthusiastically walked into his office. My family had already said goodbye to me about half an hour ago when they had had their special, private meeting earlier. It was blatantly obvious they were telling the school each and every concern they had about me.

"Nice to meet you Miss Hunter, please do take a seat." He said in a strong voice. How utterly cliché, but then again this whole situation was a rose coloured, clichéd mess.

"Likewise to you, Mr..." I not so subtlety read his name tag, "Roberts." What a classic teacher name.

While he lectured me on some school rules and whatnots, my eyes drifted around the room, looking at old portraits displayed on the wall, reading the spines of dusty books that haven't been touched in what looked like years, and observing the mess of papers and pens on his desk. I was already bored of his droning voice.

I wasn't a particularly bad student, I didn't disrupt lessons for example - but my GCSE results begged to differ. No one in my family was happy with them, including me. I found school a chore and had a relaxed attitude up until the month before the main exams where I cocked them all up by cramming revision. My parents felt as though taking me away from my friends whom they insisted were 'awful influences' and sending me to a boarding school, my grades would pick up for my A-Levels.

After an irritatingly long lecture I was being lead out of the office and through the main body of the school towards the boarding houses. He explained to me there was six boarding houses in the school, two were for girls and four were for boys. While he was telling me the pastoral rules which I could just as easily guessed 'no opposite genders in your room after 10,' and other basic rules you hear about in books and films, my attention was completely focused on a small group of friends. Four boys and a girl. The girl was absolutely stunning, brown hair to her mid-back with bright pink tips, a pretty face and an amazing figure. She seemed quite short or it might have been tall, model worthy boys surrounding her. One particularly caught my eye. The tallest of them all, the boy with brown curls cascading effortlessly on his head, held in place with a bandana, a black My Chemical Romance shirt was stretched over his broad shoulders, tight black skinny jeans with rips up the knees and thighs with a red and black checked flannel tied around his waist.


I refocused my attention onto Mr Roberts as he lead me into what he informed me was my boarding house. It looks like freaking Hogwarts here. All the buildings are castle-like and it is so fancy. I swear I'm never going to fit in here. Leading me to my new room, Mr Roberts mutters to himself about 'them' skipping class again. I couldn't help but think it was about the group of five sat outside.

About half an hour later I was in my room alone finally. I haven't met my roommate, yet, all I've been told is I'm sharing a room with a Kara Michael and if she got too much, I only had to ask and I would be changed rooms immediately. Nothing to worry about, right? I got my key, student ID, timetables and all the other boring paperwork I'm likely to chuck in a drawer and never set eyes on again. How pointless.

Seeing as I was alone my room, I pull the headphones out of my phone and start to play All Time Low's album, 'Nothing Personal' while I start to unpack my suitcase which is filled to the brim with clothes - the majority being old band tees. Hanging up shirts and folding jeans, I start to move to the music. I have to admit that I am an awful singer, dancer and actor so I am screwed in the world of performing arts, but that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy it. My body starts to move to the comforting and familiar voices and instrumentals meaning that before I know it, I'm full on dancing. Air Guitar and all. As Damned If I Do, Ya, Damned If I Don't finishes, I take a playful bow of appreciation for myself when I hear a couple snickers from behind me.

What. The. Frick.

I spin around, my hair messy, face pink from jumping around, my large t-shirt tucked into my skinny jeans and some of my makeup smudged to see a group of people. My face burns even brighter red, now with embarrassment and my jaw stays tight.

Well what a great first impression I just made, refusing to look up at the people I've just embarrassed myself in front of.

"She's got sick music taste, Kara, can we keep her," my head snaps up as my eyes are drawn to a tall blonde. He's got blonde hair with brown roots - spiked up, tanned skin and what looks like a gods figure. All Time Low, hm, he's got sick music taste too.

My eyes trail across the group, and I can feel their glares into me. I still have yet to explain myself as to why I was dancing and suddenly it clicks. It's the group from outside. The ones I was utterly infatuated with. My swallow the lump in my throats and offer a small smile. "I'm Riley Hunter" I manage to recite. My palms are sweaty and I rub them on my jeans. "Your new roommate. Um how long have you been there?" I nod to the girl who I'm assuming is Kara from the blonde boys statement.

"Kara. Kara Michael. Yes you're my roommate. Nice to meet you. And sadly our eyes witnessed about half of your dancing" She tells me monotonously, and I can sense a small amount of hostility in her voice. I didn't think I've done anything particularly wrong, but who knows.

The curly haired brunette who I'd caught myself staring at before had made himself quite at home, sat on my bed scrolling through his phone.

This was so awkward. I wanted the earth to eat me alive. I made the worlds worst first impression on these guys.

Kara's stance softens as she sits down on her bed, along with the other boys apart from the curly haired one who had sat on my bed without asking.

Rude much.

"Sorry I'll introduce" Kara said shaking her head. "I've a lot on my mind." She openly states. "Right, this is Austin Corini" she points to the tanned, short haired brunette with chocolate brown eyes and strangely nice eyebrows. He's really cute, not particularly my type but he's cute. "And Nate Parker," she pointed to a smaller, bright blonde boy with absolutely fluffy hair that I just wanted to touch and the cutest face ever. "And that's Drew Dirksen" he's the one who likes All Time Low. "And the one over there, sulking, is Levi Jones." He's so dreamy and perfect I want to... wait what?

We all exchange light conversation about where we are from, how we are and that little awkward small talk, and I'm amazed that all four boys come from America, while I continue to stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. Thanks to Levi, who put his ass on my bed and it's too awkward to sit with him. He hasn't said a word to me, just shot daggers from his eyes at me.

"So you like ATL then" Nate asked me quietly, and I nodded enthusiastically,

"They are all so talented and their music is legendary." I state proudly. "You?"

"Speaking for everyone in this room, we all adore them. We are going to see them in a few weeks, or months... I don't actually know but you should come with us. If we like you though."

Nice. 'If we like you though' someone teach him people skills, please.

I'm now painfully aware that my underwear is on complete display in the room as my suitcase is wide open and Levi Jones himself is looking through my underwear on my bed, earning laughs from the three other boys.

He got a look to kill from me and he smirked smugly at me. "Princess, this is some very sexy underwear you have here."

"Levi, stop." Kara demands and he frowns and lets go of my clothing. What a dickhead.

"Guys we are going. Let the poor girl unpack." Kara states and pulls the boys off the bed, mumbling curses to them. A chorus of "bye Riley" is stated and I feel a pang in my stomach. I'm so awkward I'm never going to have any friends here ever. I scare them off.

"Riley?" Someone calls, causing me to spin around and I see it's Levi himself. "You can't sing or dance for shit. And the first impression you made was utter crap"

Wow, thank you. How gentlemanly. Levi Jones, I've been in a room with you for an hour and I hate you already.

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