Chapter 6

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"Shut the fuck up," a groggy Riley groaned, at the four boys including myself, and Kara who were chatting away in the car. I was sat in the back with my arm around her, with Nate to the other side of me. I was hoping that things wouldn't be too awkward between us, but obviously they were going to be. I had stayed up all night, drinking with the boys and Kara, but I never laid eyes on another girl. The boys even noticed this - I was being protective of her and making sure that no other guys tried to hit on her or make a move on her.

My head throbbed, but I was used to this kind of thing - I just needed some coffee down me and I would be fine.

"Do you guys wanna go back to school now? Or we can mess around here in town for the rest of the day" Drew stated and he rolled his eyes, "nevermind. Stupid question, we'll stay out" he laughed and we all continued our meaningless chat.

I held her tight to my chest, resting my head against hers (which was on my shoulder). I really liked her, I'm not saying I was 'in love' with her because I've known her for one day, so evidently I'm not in love. She's just really fit. I cast my eyes out the window and proceeded to my deep thoughts. I had never been in a serious relationship - it was all one night stands and flings but I was certain on one thing: I wouldn't let that be the case for Riley, she deserved more than that.

We had been driving for about twenty minutes when Drew pulled his car up on the side of the road near the beach. It was early morning and the only few people there were the dog walkers and the people exercising. The families probably wouldn't turn up until midday and we would probably be long gone.

"So who's up for a morning dip then!" Drew laughed and stretched his arms up and backwards. Everyone clambered out of the car and Riley, taking me by surprise stayed close to my body and I didn't complain. I liked the warmth I got from her close proximity and I liked the way she smelled.

God I sounded so girly.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she playfully looked up to me and I looked back down.

"I want a smoke," she bit her lip playfully and I reached in my pocket hanging her the packet I got her as well as a lighter and then she pulled away from me, grinning.

That was her plan, she was all cosying up to me in order to get her fucking cigarettes. She was messing with my head.

I laughed it off and then made my way to the rest of the group who were either wading in the shallow water or sat on the edge in the dry sand. Kara had taken off her clothes, other than her underwear garments, treating it as if it was her swimsuit - I mean it's not a big deal we've all seen her in a bikini before this. I wanted to see Riley in a bikini, though. The thought played through my head as I remembered last night.

Our hot skin pressed up against eachothers, burning to touch. The eagerness of our kisses, as if our first kiss was our last. The way our hands roamed each others bodies and the perfect form of hers.

My kisses made their way off her lips, down her face, making their way along her neck to the place above her defined collar bones. I sucked on her neck, knowing she was liking it from the noises she was making in return, biting gently and gritting my teeth on her soft skin to form an indefinite hickey. She gasped out and I let go of her neck, my hands still drawing patterns on her hot skin, making her shiver. Smirking at her as she looked down at the purple bruise. I rested my forehead against hers and whispered,

"You're so fucking beautiful,"

"Levi!" I heard a voice shout, inturrupting my memories and I whipped my head around, wanting to kill whoever it was. I was enjoying that and I wasn't even to the good bits yet.

"What" I grumbled and ran my hand through my messy hair.

"Come join us!" I heard Rileys voice pop in, and I looked at all of them in the sea, with riley, only shed of her jeans in the sea. She looked perfect, and happy in her underwear and oversized Nirvana tshirt.

"Be there in a sec" I mumbled, more to myself as I stripped off my shirt and jeans, leaving me in my boxers just like the rest of the other boys. I made my way into the sea, making sure to splash everyone and I was grinning while doing it.

About an hour later, we all sat in the sun in the sand, drying off from our water fight. The only thing I really cared about was the fact that Riley's shirt had come off in the process so I got a nice long look at her in broad daylight, aswell as the bonus that she was wet. With water - my mind adds in.

"Hey so Levi," I heard my best friend Austin come up behind me as a few of the others had gone to find an icecream stand. "What's the deal with you and Riley? Is there anything going on between you or can I make a m-"

"No," I stated bluntly and glared daggers at him.

"No you've not got anything going with her or no I can't go after her?"

"Both," I replied, my patience wearing. Why would he even feel the need to go after her, she's not his type at all.

"If nothing's going on why can't I have a go?" He protested smoothly.

"Because I fucking said so Austin," I snapped and tensed my jaw at him.

He wasn't phased by me at all. "Really, Levi? Come on you're being so immature. Nothing's happening between you, let her go," he argued calmly.

"You know what? Fine. She's gonna reject you though anyways." I said, almost bitterly.


"Austin get the fuck away from me," I said sternly and turned myn head to see the rest of our friends coming back with ice creams in their hands. Drew was the first to speak;

"Bro what the fuck happened when we were gone you can feel the tension from like a mile away," I chose to ignore his comment and take my icecream from his hand. I was still mad at Austin but when I saw Riley my mood softened completely. She wouldn't have any interest in Austin anyways, I reassured myself.

I snaked my hand around Riley's waist and she looked up from her ice cream cone.

"Levi," she warned and looked at me intently. "I'm not some slut you can just try to hook up with. I'm trying to change my ways. I didn't go through with it last night for a reason," she said softly and I had the sudden feeling of uncomfortable and I wanted to remove my arm but I kept it there to prove a point.

"I know you're something special." I stated firmly to her and she looked unconvinced. She ignored it however and went back to eating her ice cream just as everyone else did.

When Kara reminded everyone we had to get back to school, you could feel the sadness in the air. No one wanted to go back after this perfect little adventure we had.



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