Chapter 7

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"So, you and Levi Jones" my roommate, Kara metaphorically prodded into my life. She sat on her bed, legs crossed and leaning against the wall as she watched me organise a few of my things.

I shrugged my shoulders, I didn't know what me and Levi were, and I had literally known him about two days. I thought he was attractive and had a fun personality but I didn't develop feelings that quickly, - actually I refused to let myself develop feelings that quickly.

"I don't really know him," I say, honestly. There was no lying there.

But she was persistent. She had heard something. She wasn't stopping until she got the answers that satisfied her.

"That's not what I heard, apparently you two fucked in Drew's car," she said bluntly, taking me by surprise.

I take a second to form my sentence. "We didn't fuck. We were close to it. We were both drunk as hell. That's it, a mistake."

I finish organising my belongings and I sit on my bed, mirroring her position on the bed.

"Clearly," she starts. "I hit a nerve. Are boys a touchy subject with you?"

I give her a sharp glare, which surprised me. Kara really intimidated me and I felt like it I got on the wrong side of her she could easily make my life a living hell and I didn't want that.

I sigh loudly and pull my laptop out, indicating that I didn't want to speak to her. I loaded up my Netflix and started to find something to watch.

"Whatever," she mumbled, "I'm going to Nate's room." She said and grabbed my unlocked phone and started to put numbers into the phone, including her own. "Text me at 9:30, please, so I have enough time to get back. I don't want to get in trouble" she said begrudgingly, and she handed me my phone back.

I looked through the contacts she added and I smiled slightly, and nodded in response. She added herself, Drew, Nate, Austin and Levi as contacts. I made a reminder on my phone to text her and I put my latest series binge watch on, but my fingers kept reaching to my phone, itching to text the curly haired boy who I was so fascinated by.

Before I had time to think I was already searching for his contact. What was I even gonna say? I rolled my eyes. I needed to stop over thinking everything and just be his friend, it's all I was looking for especially since I wasn't here to look for a love life I was here to focus on my studies - clearly that wasn't going to happen based on the past few days.

My fingers cautiously typed out a message, making sure not to make any embarrassing typos.

R: hey it's riley

L: Hey it's Levi
L: Why doesn't your name have a capital letter

R: i turned it off, why

L: No reason

Okay this is awkward

L: What you doing

R: watching netflix wby

L: Alone?

R: yeahhh, why?

L: You can't Netflix and chill alone ;)

I didn't reply. What was I supposed to reply? When a second later my phone vibrated again.

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