Chapter 8

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It's been a week since Levi kissed me in my room and we were interrupted.

And guess what? He's ignoring me. That shit head kissed me and then IGNORED me for a week. I texted him like he said to, I even tried to make conversation with him.

I hung out with the boys and Kara and he simply refused to acknowledge my presence. I have to say, it did hurt but I decided to brush it off.

I wanted to know what I had done wrong, and he wouldn't even tell me that much.

Moping over him and crying wasn't the way forward, I knew his type and that wasn't worth my tears.

Okay maybe he was worth a few, I mean have you seen him? He's absolutely gorgeous. That's not the point, the point is I didn't need him.

"Riley?" Drew asked, frowning at me. I snapped up from my daydream about why Levi could be ignoring me and I looked at him.

"What," I mumbled, putting my face on my hand to support it.

"Are you-" he scratched the back of his head uncomfortably, "are you okay? I know Levi isn't talking to you and-"

"Why wouldn't I be okay," I snapped, okay that was harsh he was just trying to be nice. "Sorry," I mumble and swallow hard.

"I just know that you two were getting kind of close," he continued and I held my hand up to Drew.

"No, we weren't close, we aren't close and we never will be close," I tell him firmly. I sounded like a bitch but I refused to let this curly haired jerk break my heart.

Drew let the subject go, and continued copying down notes for the class. I let my gaze wander to the back of the class where Levi was shamelessly flirting with another girl.

This wasn't even the first time this week I had seen him pulling girls from school. He had a new girl to kiss every day, but it had gotten so far that I walked into the girls bathrooms and he was in a stall getting a blowjob from another girl. It made me feel sick just thinking about it.
I rolled my eyes. He's disgusting, the definition of a fuckboy.

His hand travelled up her thigh and her hands were dancing around the waistband of his pants.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I knew he was doing it for one of two reasons - that's just his fuckboy personality, or he was doing it to irritate me. It was likely just to be the first. He had his fun with me and was now moving onto other girls.

I kept staring at the pair of them, I felt angry, but I refused to let it show.

Levi's eyes made contact with mine, catching me staring and instead of looking away, I gave him the most sickly sweet smile I could muster and I gave one to the stupid girl who was basically fangirling over him.

I turned back to my work, and Drew. I felt a huge weight of jealousy, and a lump in my throat. Why did I have to be jealous, why couldn't I be like a normal girl and jut find another guy to fancy and have that troublesome boy out of my head.

Then it sprung to my head, something Levi had said to me before we kissed in my room.


"Drew, love," I said, my voice dripping with fakeness, and he turned to face me, raising an eyebrow as a response.

"Is your mate, Austin, seeing anyone?" I said, tilting my head and tapping my pencil on the desk.

He looked shocked and hesitated with his answer. "No, how come?"

"No reason," I said, smirking and playing with the ends of my hair.

Two can play at this game Levi.


At lunch, I normally sat near Kara, or on the edge of the table but today, I walked up to the table and put my tray down right next to Austin, and sat down.

"Hey, Austin" I said slowly as I sat down and noticed Levi was sat directly across from me and Austin.


I turned my body to face Austin and pulled out my best flirting abilities on him, touching his arm and laughing, he obviously picked up and started complimenting me and making dirty jokes, causing me to laugh even more.

I could feel Levi's eyes burning into me, and I chose to ignore it. I felt a bit bad, but what he had done was a lot worse, I was just harmlessly flirting whereas he was literally fucking anyone who payed interest in him, which was a lot - by the way. He was seen as the dark mysterious badboy, I mean he had girls swooning over him.

I knew the other boys and Kara found this whole situation awkward as they sat there in silence the whole time.

Austins arm made its way around my waist, pulling me slightly closer to him, when Levi abruptly stood up, storming away dramatically.

"For fuck sake," Drew groaned and the others rolled their eyes. I bit down on my lip as many people in the cafeteria turned their gaze to our table.

"Riley can I talk to you?" Drew asked, the annoyance evident in his voice.

I nodded and stood up, Austins arm falling off of me, and I followed him out into the halls of the school.

"Dude what the fuck are you doing?" He suddenly burst out,

"I'm not a dude," I avoided his question, causing him to glare at me. He was kind of scary, which I never pegged him as being scary - he looked too much like a teddy bear.

"No I'm being serious, Riley. You're gonna cause an argument between two best friends."

"Maybe Levi fucking Jones should have thought of that before he started shagging anyone with a pulse and ignoring me." I snapped back,

"He's been doing that since before you got here. Do you really expect him to change his ways?" Drew said bluntly.

Well that hurt.

But he wasn't done speaking yet - "you went for his best friend Riley. I bet you don't even know any of the girls names who he's hooked up with. That's right - you don't. I don't know what your plan is - but it's not a good one and I can tell you that for free. You went way too personal, Levi's known Austin for years."


"I'm gonna talk to Austin too, and Levi, it's not just you. Austins breaking the bro code, but I'm not letting our band get ripped apart by a girl" he added, while interrupting me.

I didn't respond to him, I just nodded slowly, feeling guilty.

"Why did Levi act that way? Like storm out?" I ask Drew, my curiosity peaking. I knew these two boys were so close, they literally told eachother everything.

He mumbled something I couldn't hear and then looked directly at me. "It's not my place to say, you should probably just ask him yourself." Drew said, turning away from me.

Well he's ignoring me - and I've made him even more angry today, so that's not gonna happen is it?


(sorry this chapter isn't the greatest its badly written and im tired but hey at least it's an update)

wow can u believe levi jones exists?

im writing a new book called 'snapchat' but idk who to base the story on soooooo my angels - please comment here a celebrity I could write it about !


remember to vote, comment, share and all that ! it really helps x


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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