Chapter 3

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I sighed as I fell onto my bed in the boarding house. Today had been... eventful? I got kicked out of two lessons with Levi and hooked on the nicotine of cigarettes for the first time in a while. I hated him.


He's an exact copy of me but male, he's not helping me improve at all, not that I really want to. I'm happy to just continue with my old habits, it's my parents that want some change.

I sighed and stood up. It was the end of school and was now 4:00. I frowned, I had ages until I would even think about sleeping. I pulled my makeup out and started to do it, realising I didn't have very much on for school. I wasn't fake or a barbie, I could just do my makeup very well and still look... sophisticated. Meaning; I didn't have an inch of orange foundation on.

I spent a while doing my makeup and playing on my phone, aswell as changing into a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans and a nirvana tshirt. I put away all my makeup, proud of myself and pulled out my laptop, looking through netflix when Kara barged in.

"Riley!" She exclaimed, "I found you, come on Drew said we should bring you. We're going into town. It's a Friday." She said happily. I was grateful that I joined on a Friday meaning I had the weekend to relax and be "sociable" even though I hated people. I looked back at my Netflix and towards the girl. I groaned, flipped the screen of my laptop and pulled on some vans and grabbed my purse, shoving it in a pocket.

I was comfortable, okay?

I followed the pretty brunette, who turned around and before we reached the sign out of the boarding house, told me to be quiet and let her do all the talking.

"Ah, hello Kara and... Riley, you're new aren't you!" I smiled and nodded to the teacher on duty. She looked quite strict but with a nice side.

"I'm taking Riley on a tour of the town and I'll take her to my Nan's house after! We will be back tomorrow, she smiled innocently.

The teacher sighed, knowing she was lying and dismissed it. She waved us off and told us to have a nice time. I snickered as we walked out of the boarding house. Kara pulled out her phone, texting someone while looking around. I didn't have a clue where we were going so I just followed her like a puppy. She stopped on the edge of the road, looking down it impatiently, rolling her eyes. I wondered who was picking us up, but before I could say anything a black car with plenty of stickers on it came racing down the road, blasting Lost In Stereo by All Time Low. It was the boys.

The car stopped and Drew smiled through the drivers seat. I waved back and looked in. 5 seats. I groaned and crossed my arms. "Kara you still haven't told me where we're going" I complained as she crawled over Austins lap, into the middle seat of the back.

"Fine, I'll just stay here." I stated and Nate laughed.

"Fucking hell Riley, stop being a princess. You're the smallest, get in the front on Levi's lap, we've already worked this out." I raised an eyebrow.

Fuck you, fuck you all.

"No! I don't know him"

Drew sat at the drivers seat laughing his butt off, and I shot him a sharp glare.

Eventually I gave in and opened Levi's door. "I'm sorry," I squeaked and placed myself in his lap. This was so awkward. Levi shifted uncomfortably and I mumbled a few sorrys, my cheeks bright red.

Drews foot hit the pedal and sped off, and I jerked off Levi's lap, but his arms quickly wrapped around me, holding me safe. I looked around him and my eyes caught with him.

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