Chapter 5

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Before I knew it, we were making our way out of the bar, pushing past people-my hand in his, our cheeks flushed and breath hot and hard.

Levi was leading me towards Drew's car and I made a face at him. Even in my drunken state I knew it was wrong to do it in someone's car.

"Riley, its fine." He laughed and pressed his lips against mine again.

Seconds later he was on the backseat of the car, strong hands pulling me on top of him. His hands roaming up and down my butt, and thighs, our lips never separating.

My hands tangled in his hair as his lips traced off mine and made their way down my neck. I felt electricity spark through me every time his skin made contact with mine. He sucked on my neck, biting gently to form an indefinite hickey. I gasped out and he let go of my neck with his mouth, smirking at me. He rested his forehead against mine and whispered,

"You're so fucking beautiful," his husky, turned on voice mumbled. I looked into his clear blue eyes which had darkened a shade from his arousal.

I felt his bulge underneath me and I moaned softly. At the feeling. His rough hands, hardened by years of guitar playing roamed up the underside of my shirt, his hands giving goosebumps on my stomach.

His hands were all over me, hips pushing up against me, and now his hands were pulling my tshirt off. I sat on top of him, as he bit his lip, staring at my exposed body, lustily. He sat up quickly, pressing his lips to my neck, running small, open mouthed kisses down my neck, to my collar bone, to the curve of my breasts. My nails digging lightly into his shoulder.

His calloused hands made their way to my jean buttons and he pulled the zip down, fumbling with the buttons as he left small love bites on my boobs.

In one quick motion, the beautiful brunette boy flipped me over so he was on top of me, tugging my jeans off, letting out a groan when he saw my lacey black thong that matched my bra. It suddenly dawned on me he still had all his clothes on and I reached up, pulling his shirt off, smirking as his hands traced soft patterns on my skin.

Off came his top.

My hands rolled down his soft torso, tugging at his jeans and he laughed slightly - pulling them off himself. I groaned when he pulled them off, I could fully see his erection.


I pressed my lips against hers, grinding myself against the material of her thin panties. Soft, moans escaped her perfect lips into my mouth as my hands reached behind her petite back, unclasping her sexy bra and I tossed it to the floor of the car.

"Fuck," I said to myself, as I looked down at her perfect body. Sure she had cuts and scars. That didn't make her any less perfect. They were just battle wounds.

But, so did I.

She had been through so much and I just wanted to comfort her and talk to her, but now was not the time, we were both almost naked and in an intense makeout session, that was leading places.

I started to pull the sexy black thong down, and she tensed up. I bit my lip. Was she okay? I pulled it completely off and God she was so beautiful everywhere. I pulled my boxers down and groaned at her beauty. If she was anyone but Riley, I would just be using her for sex but I saw something else in her.

We were both really drunk, maybe she was only doing it cause she was drunk.

I reached into the small compartment between the two front seats, grabbing a condom and rolling it on. I pressed my lips hard against hers, my hands pinning her scarred wrists above her head, my tip rubbing against her hot, soaking core, she moaned intensely, and I pushed myself in her slowly. God! She felt so fucking amazing. Suddenly she tried to sit up, confused, I let go of her and backed up slightly.


"Levi," she gasped. "I don't want to."

A huge lump formed in my throat and I pulled out of her, it took all the self control in me to.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled, kissing her forehead and passing her some articles of clothing. To cover up her modesty, not that it was going to help, I had already seen everything.

"I'm fine, she whispered, rubbing her eyes softly. I pulled my boxers, shirt and skinny jeans on, and sat next to her.

"It's okay not to be okay, you know" I told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

She was fully clothed now and she curled up into my side. And I felt a wet patch form on the side of my shirt before I realised she was crying.

"Riley," I whispered, turning my body, encasing her in my arms. "What's wrong, please don't cry. I know it was wrong of me to do that."

I pulled her chin up and kissed her nose.

"I'm just embarrassed," she whispered, "you saw my cuts, I know you did."

My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"Riley, I'm not judging you. Everyone has scars. I do too, I whispered, showing her the faint scars on my arm from when I used to self harm. I didn't anymore but I still suffered with depression and anxiety, not as bad as I used to though. I had ways of dealing with it.

She ran a delicate finger over them and I flinched, and just hugged her tighter and stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

Once she was asleep I got out of the car, and lit up a fag. I was heartbroken for her but I was still extremely sexually frustrated. I groaned and leaned back against the wall, when I heard a familiar voice near me.

"Levi?" Drew asked,

"Hey," I smiled, passing him a lighter and cigarette, he thanked me and looked me up and down, I had sex hair and was obviously redressed.

"We saw you and Riley leave, did you fuck?" He asked blatantly. Drew and I had this kind of relationship where we were brutally honest and told each other everything. To be honest I was like that with all the boys.

"Nope" I said, popping the 'p' and taking a long drag.

"What?" He almost choked out, "you didn't? Levi you didn't pull? Is this- is this an iconic moment? A girl turned you down?" He teased. He was right, though. I never found it hard to get a girl before but this was different.

"No, I did have her but she kind of, like, freaked out midway." I mumbled, feeling bad.

"Oh," he said slowly.

"It's fine, just keep it between us, okay?" I asked him, almost pleading. He nodded thoughtfully and smiled.

"I miss Emma," he sighed and I looked at him sympathetically. He had a girlfriend back in America, who he say about once a year when we went back for summer holidays.

"8 months," I told him and he nodded. The both of us just stood there, smoking and thinking about our situations.

Eventually he went back inside and I went back to comfort Riley.

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