Chapter 2

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Kara and her friends never returned that night. I wasn't sure if it was because they didn't like me or they had some better things to do, but it didn't bother me in the slightest. In fact it was much more enjoyable and I got to spend my time scrolling through twitter and instagram.

But the morning wasn't as enjoyable, I didn't know where I was meant to go for registration, I didn't know where breakfast was, it was a struggle to find the bathrooms and by the time it was 8:15 I was aimlessly wandering around the corridors. I hated everything here, the uniform wasn't that bad, but it was still a uniform. A dark blue jumper, black blazer and blue and black tie, along with a black skirt tights and shoes (which I happily replaced with my low top Dr Martens), it could have been worse. But this school was huge and no one made any effort to stop and help me find my way around. My hair down and straightened and I had simplistic makeup on, nothing fancy only because I was not a morning person and didn't have time.

It was 8:28 and according to my time table registration was at 8:30. We'll I was going to be late on my first day. I groaned loudly as the second bell of the day rung, signalling the start of first period. I had successfully missed my first registration. I pulled my phone from my pocket and swiped the phone screen when I heard a familiar low voice.

"All Time Low girl, right?" The tall blonde from yesterday, Drew, chuckled from down the corridor. "You're not allowed your phone" he teased, smirking "and you're also late."

"Yeah. I know I'm late." I snapped, shoving my phone in my pocket. That came out a bit meaner than I intended it to be.

"Calm down." He laughed, shaking his head. "I was sent to come and find you." He smiled innocently.


"Thanks, I guess." I laughed and followed him. Down the corridor. Feeling brave, I asked him the question I had been dying to know. "Where was Kara last night? She never came back to the room."

He coughed awkwardly and bit his lip. God that was hot when guys bit their lips and he was just a prime example. "Nate and Kara... they have a 'thing' they're not dating... but um" he made air quotes with his hand.

I suddenly cottoned on, they were fuck buddies. I wrinkled my nose at him and he just simply laughed. "No need to be jealous, I'm sure Levi wouldn't mind being yours"

"I didn't need to know that." Was the last thing I said to him before he lead me into a classroom. Everyone's eyes diverted to me and I bit my lower lip. I hated attention and this was awful. I could here the hushed whispers from everyone in the classroom about the "new girl" and I sighed. The teacher introduced me to the class but I could hardly hear what he was saying due to the fact my eyes were locked with a certain curly haired brunette boy with piercing blue eyes. Drew's comment kept lingering in my mind. Did Levi think I was attractive? He didn't know anything about me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and changed my gaze to Drew who was waving me over to him to sit next to him. I walked slowly over to him and dumped my bag on the desk while sitting down. I was sat on the edge of a row of desks and Levi was almost directly behind me.

I was guessing that these guys were gonna be my friends for the rest of my time here. I pulled my pencil case out and rested against the front of the desk. The teacher droned on and I resisted the temptation to go back to sleep. Why did school have to be so boring. I felt something hit the back of my head and I turned round quickly. Levi was sat there, with an annoyingly attractive smirk and threw another paper ball at me.

"Stop it." I snapped and frowned at him.

"Stop it" he mimicked me and threw another ball, hitting me right on my forehead.

Was he five years old or something?

I rolled my eyes and then suddenly heard my name snapped. "Riley. Turn around and focus. You're not making a good impression! If you'd rather flirt with Mr Jones behind you, both of you can leave the the classroom now." He boomed.

Levi chuckled and scraped his chair back, standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder and starting to walk out.
"Come on princess" he said, slightly sarcastically - I think.

I reviewed my options and realised I hated this class already so I slowly stood up and followed Levi out of the class, closing the door softly. Levi stood across from me smirking.

"Well, well, well! Looks like we have a little rebel on our hands. Didn't think you had it in you." His American twanged voice told me.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I was here because my parents wanted my behaviour to get better, not because I was an angel. I ignored him and pulled my phone out, opening snapchat and replying to my streaks.

"Rude." He stated.

Me? Rude? Had he seen himself? Obviously not.

"Shut up..." I tried to remember his last name from when the teacher shouted at him, "Jones." I finally remembered and started to walk down the corridor to the outside quad, where there was benches.

I heard him following me, but not keeping par with me. I spun my head around and his eyes immediately snapped up to mine. Was he looking at my butt? What the hell.

"What the hell? Perv much." I already knew he was a perv, he looked through my underwear last night.

He simply laughed and jogged up closer to me. He was a giant. Once we got to the quad I sat down on the bench, bringing my legs up to my chest. Levi sat down, giving me some space and fumbled around in his pocket.

He pulled out a package of cigarettes and a lighter, putting one between his lips and holding the box open to me. I cringed, I had smoked before, part of the reason my parents were angry at me, and I hadn't smoked in just under a year, I didn't want to break that but I also wanted to look tough. I sighed and mumbled a thank you as I pulled one of them out, as he closed the box, and lit his own and leaned in to light mine.

I breathed in the smoke and stared at him intently. He was so insanely hot, had a bad reputation and perfect music taste. He was the exact guy I would fall for. He was a male version of me.

I ruffled with my hair, and looked down at my lap. I was so damaged I didn't think a guy like this would be good for me.

Suddenly I snapped into reality. I didn't know this guy at all, he could be an axe murderer. I've only known of his existence for under a day.

"What you thinkin' bout" he smiled, it seemed strangely genuine.

"Mmh, nothing." I smiled and laughed. It was stupid, plus he didn't seem like the type for relationships, more like a one night stand guy.


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