I was trying to get over a break up, my bestfriend Lilly forced me to go to a club and let my thoughts go away.
-Next Day-
I woke up in someone else's bedroom. I felt a pair of arms over my waist, i look behind me and see a guy probably around 24...
"Iwastryingtohavesomefun! Youknowthingshavebeenhardformesince..." That's when i stopped hearing everything. - AlisonsPOV
*beepbeep* I heard the sound of a beeping noise now. My eyelids slowly open up revealing my quite dark blue eyes. *beepbeep* I look to the side and see a heart monitor beside me.
WhereamI? I think to myself.
"Oh your awake, wait here and I'll get the nurse." Said a guy who I think sat beside me, I didn't realise.
I have no idea what's going on.
-Joes POV-
I was sitting beside the girl in the hospital bed. Icantevenrememberhername, isthatbad? IfeelterribleandIknowIshouldstopdoingthistomyself. Gettingdrunkeverytwonights. Ineedhelp.
I heard shuffling beside me and when i looked up I saw her. Opening her eyes really slowly, she must have a terrible headache. "Oh your awake, wait here and I'll get the nurse" I walked out.
I saw a nurse walking down the corridor and I called her over. "The girl who fainted is awake now" Thegirl? WowI'vereallyscrewedupaha. "I'll get the doctor and I'll be right there" "Okay, thank you"
I walked back in and saw her beautiful blue eyes staring back into mine. What? JOESTOPIT. But I couldn't I just stood there staring at her. "Erm.. Hello?" "Oh hi.. Emm.." I realised I must've looked like a fool standing there staring at her. "So did you get the nurse?" "Yeh she's gonna be back in a few minutes." Ireallyneedtoknowhernamebutidon'twanttoseemlikeafuckboy. SeriouslythowehadsexandIforgothername. "Hows your head?" I'mgonnatrygetitoutofherwithoutherknowing. Soanormalconversationright? "Still really sore, I cant remember what happened this morning. Only that i threw up and then I walked upstairs and that's what I remember." "Well you fainted when you were walking up the stairs and me and Caspar didn't know what to do so we brought you to the hospital." "Caspar?" "Oh that's my roommate." "Ah I think I remember him, blonde hair and tall right?" "Yeh that's him" At that point the nurse came in. I was actually quite disappointed when the nurse came in cause Ilikedtalkingtoher. Stilldon'tknowhernamebutIwanttohangoutwithher. Talkallnight. Itsaweirdfeeling.
-AlisonsPov- I enjoyed talking to Joe. It was a nice feeling. The nurse came in and said I was good to go home now. Wait. LILLY! I quickly got up and over to my hand bag but I felt light headed from getting up quickly and I felt my legs give up and I was falling to the ground again. Then a pair of strong arms caught me. I felt safe in them. I opened my eyes since i passed out for like a second and sure enough it was Joe. I smiled. And he smiled back. My stomach was getting sore now. Butterflies or vomit? I stood up again and once again I walked over to my handbag but slower. I took out my phone, "I have to call my friend. I don't know where she is, the last time I saw her was at the club." "Okay I'll wait outside" said Joe. The nurse was already away so I dialled her number and called.
"Alison?" "LILLY! Oh my god I was so worried. Where are you, are you okay?" "Yeh I'm fine, just had a rough night, ya know too much alcohol. So I just went back to our apartment. Wait.. Where are you!?" "I'm still in London.. In a hospital." "WHAT OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY" "Yeh i just 'got lucky' as you say and i passed out this morning so Joe brought me to the hospital" "Joe?" "Yeh" "Okay I'm gonna be there soon, what's the hospital name?" "No its fine I'll take the train" "Are you sure?" "Yes now go to sleep" "Okay night!" "Night" I chuckled at her knowing that it's the morning. She was unique.
I got changed back to my clothes since I have the weird hospital robes on.
She had a worried look on her face then shot up from her hospital bed and ran to the other side of the room. But half way through she was starting to pass out again. I ran up to her and caught her just in time. She opened her ocean blue eyes and smiled at me. Godthatsmilekillsme I smiled back. She then got up and got her phone out probably to call someone.