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what is depression? its:
- constant dissociation
- not eating for days at a time
- not sleeping for days at a time
- feelings or self hatred and worthlessness
- lack of motivation for anything
- bouts of anger, anxiety or sadness
- wanting to cut all your ties with everyone because you felt bad for like 5 minutes
- wanting to give up at the slightest hints of difficultly
- frequent headaches and sick feelings
- anxiety and sleeping troubles that come along with it
- thoughts of doing irrational things (wanting to cause a scene for no reason, etc)
- inability or overability of crying
- destructive habits
- overdramatic reactions (feeling a little sad so you spend a ton of money)
- pushing yourself away from your loved ones
- constant inner turmoil
- mental breakdowns
-lashing out/over aggressive actions
- social isolation and detachment
and etc!!!!! what it /isnt/ is something for u to put in ur usernames because u think its cool 2 be emo and depressed. some of us have actual problems and u putting "sleep deprived" or "depressed" in your username is really extra and uncalled for and 90x more likely for u to just look fake and attention seeking so if i see one more emo preteen using mental illness to look cool im gonna step on all ur toes also block u

not so witty bantsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt