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Hey new reader!!! My names starwarsfangirl4life. I'm so glad you've begun to read this book!
I've been a Star Wars fan since I was three (yes, I'm being serious) when my brothers showed me as many of the movies as they could, and I fell in love with it. Ever since then, I've been unhealthily obsessed.

Anyway, you're reading this book to fantasize about Star Wars, not read a biography, so here we go.

In this club we'll obsess over certain things and discuss stuff. Also, you will be learning facts about every Star Wars movie. You ready?

Here is how to join: comment one Star Wars fact, and then, if I don't respond, then go ahead and start reading!!!

So, @Alexhikaru, @IAm_TheSenate, @EuphoricFIYM, @jaelyn328, @AhsokaLucario, @DiamondHuskey05, and @OzOfMun, go ahead and start reading!

Comment away. (PS, look at the pic above for maximum awesomeness!)

SW facts about every Movie, and the ultimate SW fanclub!Where stories live. Discover now