A Jedi's Utility Belt

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As fans, we should know what's on a Jedi's belt. Some people already know, and some don't. The picture above is a basic example.

1. A comlink.
A comlink is the little device used to speak with one another by pressing a button. Think of it as your grandma's old cell phone that attaches to the wall in her house... No screen, just buttons. It's that but looks like a tiny remote. And it can only call, not face time.☺️

2. A holoprojector.
This thing is round and casts images known as holograms. It's kinda like face time, to be modern. Except the person your seeing is blue and wavy-looking. (Why am I converting Star Wars into modern- oh forget it.)

3. Sometimes a grappling hook.
Sometimes Jedi will have this rope attached to their belts on certain missions.

4. A pouch.
A Jedi has pouches attached to the belt that hold credits and such. Maybe ammo or random things like that.

Of course, the lightsaber attaches to the belt.

That's all I can remember for now. Enjoy life and have a Happy New Year! 2017!!!

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