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Okay okay, I'm super sorry, this ain't Star Wars stuff...

It's Marvel stuff. You know... Infinity Wars, that just came out.

Quick question, if I made a Marvel fan club book, how many of y'all would read it? Please tell me!


I saw it with my best friend and my brother.

I cried. At only one spot.


he's my favorite.... I hadn't been crying until then, then when he turned to ash I couldn't help it. I looked at my best friend and she was crying too.

But why was his so dramatic? Why!?

I think what the storyboard writers for this movie thought was this: "What will make starwarsfangirl4life the maddest? Spider-Man's death? Okay, let's multiply his death by two, magnify it, and put it in. Isn't that hilarious?"

Me: "Screw you."

Sorry. I'm very sad.

BUT!!!! There is a hope.

It'll be in my Marvel Fanclub. :)

Love y'all sorry it wasn't Star Wars...
hope you all like Marvel like I do! Please read my Marvel book that's coming out soon!

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