Star Wars Alphabet!!! (I made it)

73 12 11

Here we go- by the way, sing it to the tune of the F.U.N song from SpongeBob. Watch the video above for the tune. You don't have to sing the parts in parentheses. ( ) some sentences will.l have different verses that you can sing. Just pick one.
A is for Anakin!
B is for Bb-8!
C is for C3-po!
D Is for Dark side, Darth Vader and Death Star, in a Star Wars galaxy.
E is for Embo! (Or Endor)
F is for Fives! (Or force)
G is for Geonosis!
H is for Han Solo, Hondo, and Hevy, Hoth will be there too.
I is for Iego (A planet)
J is for Jabba! (Or Jar Jar you can pick one )
K is for Ki-Adi Mundi! ( Kamino Or Kit Fisto, you can pick)
L is for Lightsaber, Luminara, Luke and Leia, In a Star Wars galaxy!
M is for Mace Windu! (Mandalore Or Mon Mothma)
N Is for Naboo!
O is for Obi Wan!
P is for Padme, Plo Koon and Pre Vizsla, Pre Vizsla Has a Dark Saber.
Q is for Queen! (Basically Padme lol)
R is for R2-D2 (Rodia, Rey, or Rex)
S is for Satine!
T is for Tattooine, Trench and TIE Fighter, flying around the sky.
U is for Utapau!
V is for Vulture Droid!
W is for Waxer!
Y is for Yoda, Yavin 4 and Y-wing, in a Star Wars galaxy!
X Is for X-wing!
Z is for Ziro The Hutt!

Thanks guys!

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