Did someone say something about a sequel?

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I have no idea why I chose a picture of Unkar Plutt. It was just the first Star Wars pic I saw in my Star Wars Photo Album. Sooooooo yea

Anyway, that's right. It's official. I'm making a sequel to this fan club!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Vote if you're excited)
Because I am the club leader, it is my job to let you know of everything that's going on in our fan club.

1- Sequel will be in progress!!! Woo Hoo!!!!

2- I need ideas!
I'm running out of things to post so hit me with your guys's best ideas of fun things to do in the club!

3- We're super close to 6K reads! We can do it!

4- I'm thinking of changing the way you get into the club. I think it would be a lot easier for everyone if all you had to do was post a fact, and then you could join. That's it. You just post a fact, and you're in. But of course, I'm not making any choices without the rest of the club. So.
If you like that idea, comment "Jedi"
If you don't like that idea, comment "Sith"

If you don't like the idea, no one will criticize you.

5- ummmmmmm oh yeah! Wait no already said that

I think that's all! Thanks guys!

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