Chapter 3 - A Mistake

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Niall's P.O.V

Zayn forcefully pushed Liam back onto the sofa, and he just about missed falling on top of Perrie. Now, Perrie stood up.

"Zayn! Stop! You're going out of control!" she yelled.

"I'm not the one who's out of control!" he retorted.

"Yes you are. You're hurting everyone around with your actions! Please Zayn, just calm down," she whispered.

"The thing is, I can't be calm. Not without her. You guys don't seem to understand how I bloody feel!" he exclaimed. 

At that comment, anger was bubbling up inside me, so I shot up and hissed, "I do." With that, I stormed up the stairs and locked myself in my room. I couldn't take this anymore. It hurt so much. It pained me that I was never going to see her smile again, or hear her laugh.

I couldn't control my emotions and I hated that feeling. I had to remind myself that I had some sense of control, so I rushed into the bathroom in my room and slammed the door shut. I opened the cupboard and had to do a bit of revealing to find the object I was looking for. 

A razor blade.

Harry's P.O.V 

I gave Niall a couple of minutes before I decided to check up on him. 

"Please, Zayn. Stop this, you're hurting Niall by doing this," I said, knowing that Zayn was really protective and caring for Niall. Zayn didn't reply and I took that as my cue to go upstairs to Niall.

I knocked lightly on his bedroom door, one hand clutching the handle, and I asked, "Niall, can I come in?" There was no response so I opened the door very slowly. Niall wasn't in there, which was strange. I walked into his room and noticed that his bathroom light was on. I knocked on that door too.

"Niall, come out, mate." I waited patiently for the door to unlock and Niall came out, wiping tears as he did so. I immediately pulled him into a hug and he kept on shaking against my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I asked once we released from our embrace. He nodded his head.

"Harry is it OK if I'm alone for a while?" Niall hinted, sitting on his bed. I nodded my head once I realised what he meant and headed back downstairs.

"Was Niall OK?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, he was just in the bathroom," I replied simply. Zayn immediately stood up and ran upstairs. 

"What's up with him?" I questioned, pointing in the direction of where Zayn ran off to. Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

Zayn's P.O.V

"Yeah, he was just in the bathroom," Harry said. When Zara was 'just in the bathroom', nothing ever went right. Without hesitation, I got up and rushed up to Niall's room, swinging myself inside. I closed the door behind me with my foot and walked up to Niall, whose eyes jerked up towards mine.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, nervously.

"Niall, I need to know what you did in the bathroom, right now," I answered, sternly.

"Umm, I was just... crying?" His voice was tense and uneven.

"No. You weren't."

"Yes, I was."

"Tell me the truth." I always knew when people were lying, especially the boys, as I was living with them constantly.

"Seriously, Zayn. I was just crying." I grabbed Niall's hand, to which he pulled away harshly.

"You cut, didn't you?" I sighed. Niall's eyes avoided mine and he denied my comment.

"Niall, please. I won't tell any of the boys. Just tell me if you did." 

His eyes met the floor and he slowly nodded his head, ashamed. 

"W-why?" I was on the verge of tears. I sat down next to Niall and picked up his arm from his lap. He didn't try to pull away this time. I slowly lifted his jumper up, preparing for the worst. As he looked down at his arm with me, tears were brimming his eyes.

Across his arm were several fresh cuts. There were about five of them, and they trailed up to his forearm. They weren't too deep, but I knew that if he carried on, they would be.

"Because I felt like I had no sense of control," Niall started; he took a deep breath before he continued, "And Zara said it released her pain. That's what I feel like, Zayn. Like I've got no control over me and I'm in so much pain." It broke me to see Niall like this. He was like a younger brother to me. No, he was a younger brother to me.

"Please, Niall, don't do it again," I pleaded. 

"I-I won't. I don't want to. It helps for that little time, but I already miss my arm being clean," Niall promised. I could tell that he regretted it and was really likely not to do it again. 

His eyes suddenly perked up and he gasped, "Zayn, please, don't tell the others. I don't want them to know."

"Don't worry, Niall. I promise I won't."

(A/N: Thanks so much for the 31 reads, 6 votes and 10 comments! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave your feedback down below. Thanks awesome people of the world. If you ever need someone to talk to, just remember that I'll listen.)

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