Chapter 10 - A Familiar Face

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Niall's P.O.V

The next day, Simon told us that Zayn should get back into the habit of staying with us, meaning that he should come out of the hospital clinic, where he seemed to be improving. We approached Anna and Harry spoke. "Is it OK if Zayn comes home with us today?"

"Sure, but I don't recommend it," she admitted, "It might be too much for him to be passed from one place to another."

Liam looked at her with pity in his eyes as he spoke, "We need him to get into the habit of living with us. He's going to be doing so for about eight months."

"Oh." Anna's face dropped slightly. She opened the door and called Zayn out. She then went into a nearby room and grabbed a small bag, handing it to Liam.

"His clothes?" Liam asked. Anna nodded. We started making our way, but Zayn unexpectedly hugged Anna. She stepped back at his actions, but hugged him back.

"Thank you," I managed to hear Zayn mutter into her ear. We started our journey out of the clinic, when suddenly, someone dashed between us, make us stumble a little. We saw the person race ahead of us, nearing the door when a strong man grabbed his arm.

"I'm not depressed!" he screamed, trying to get free. His voice... it was all too familiar. As he turned around to go back, his eyes locked with ours. We froze in our positions and he seemed to do the same. 

Zayn was the first to make the move. He ran forward and grabbed onto this boy's T-shirt, punching him in the face several times. A security guard rushed over and pulled Zayn off, as we stayed glued to the ground. 

No, it couldn't be... Ibrahim?

Harry was going to run towards Ibrahim too, but, Liam held him back. Why the hell was he here anyway?

"I thought you were in juvenile court?" Louis hissed, making sure Ibrahim could hear.

"Yeah, I was, I'm not anymore," Ibrahim replied, quite angry.

"Why are you here?" I decided to ask, cutting the unnecessary conversation and asking what everyone must have been thinking. He didn't reply. His eyes trailed to the floor, almost embarrassed. 

"Are you deaf?!" Louis yelled, catching everyone's attention and causing people to stare at us.

"No, I'm not deaf," he mumbled, almost incoherently. 

"Then answer his question," Zayn growled.

"Wait, are you depressed?" Liam asked. Ibrahim didn't reply.

"Why would you be depressed? You were the one who killed her," Harry said,

"It was an accident! For God's sake! And I'm a human so I do bloody miss her! I didn't even aim it at her, so if anything, you should feel bad!" Ibrahim snapped, pointing at Zayn. He crossed the line.

"Listen, you're the one who pulled the trigger. You're the one who took a young, innocent girl's life away. Alright? So don't go pointing fingers at Zayn, because you don't know what the hell he's been through!" I yelled at him, without second thoughts. At that point, I didn't care if I made him feel worse; all I wanted to do was defend Zayn. He was my brother, and I wasn't going to let him get blamed for something that wasn't even his fault.

Ibrahim seemed to be lost for words.

Zayn's P.O.V

Ibrahim was right. I should feel bad. It didn't matter if he said it in the spur of the moment or not. He was right. I was so deluded to think otherwise. I sneaked out of the clinic and just wandered around. They were all having a big argument and it was all my fault.

The wind blew through my hair, taking my thoughts with it. I wished the paparazzi weren't there, to disturb my method of relaxation. It was also something that I knew Zara would have done. 

"...Zayn?" I heard someone ask. I turned around to face a teenage boy who seemed timid and anxious.

"What are you doing here? It's a clinic for the depressed and suicidal," he muttered, saying his thoughts aloud.

"Put one and one together," I mumbled, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Are you- are you OK?" He seemed to be worried now. He must have been a fan.

I softened up at his kindness and replied with a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Can I please have an autograph?" He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from his backpack and handed it to me.

"My name's Jeremy," he said. I nodded, writing a quick little message and signing it off. He also pulled out his phone from his pocket and asked for a picture. I fixed my hair a little and nodded, forcing a smile as I put an arm around his shoulder.

"Nice meeting you, Jeremy." I bid farewell and waved, to which he smiled back. I continued walking without having a clear plan of where I was going to be heading. I guess some people did care about me. I didn't even know Jeremy yet he was so concerned about my well being. I smiled to myself (a genuine one) and continued walking down the car park. 

I felt a vibration in my pocket. I quickly searched them and slipped my phone out, answering the call.

"Zayn, where are you?! One minute you're here and the next, you're not!" Niall exclaimed.

"I, uh, I was just walking around the car park," I replied, absentmindedly walking around.

"OK, we'll be out as soon as possible," Niall ended.

Harry's P.O.V

"So, where is he?!" I asked Niall, anxiously, once I saw him end the call between him and Zayn. We all stared at him, hoping for the best.

"He's fine. He's just at the car park," Niall sighed. We all let out a breath of relief. We were wondering where Zayn had gone off to. We didn't even realise until Niall informed us about his absence in the middle of an argument. We were too wrapped up in the verbal fight to even realise the most vulnerable person had gone missing.

Ibrahim was taken away, back to what must have been his room in the clinic. In good time, he did, as well; he would've probably been in hospital if I heard another peep from him.

I just didn't understand Ibrahim. It seemed like he didn't like Zara before, so why was he acting like he cared now? He didn't seem to have a problem with Zayn, so what was going on now? I needed an answer, but I knew I wasn't going to receive one any time soon, or easily. I guess I needed patience and perseverance. 

"I think we should start heading home," Liam announced. We all followed him out of the clinic and the first thing we had to do was call an ambulance.

(A/N: Thanks so much for the 341 reads, 29 votes and 14 comments! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry for the really late update, I had writer's block. I can't believe some of One Direction's tweets got deleted. And most of the best ones! Even though I don't have Twitter, I do like to check up on them... o.o. I'd just like to say happy birthday to my sister and my cousin (@samijls)! So, moving on, what do you think will happen next? Why did they have to call an ambulance? Stay awesome!)

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