Chapter 5 - Apologies

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Louis' P.O.V

The next day couldn't have arrived quicker. It was about ten o'clock in the morning, when I rolled out of bed and got myself ready. Unintentionally, I bumped into Harry whilst I exited my room.

"Sorry, Harry," I apologised.

"It's alright, anyway, what are you doing up so early?" Harry asked.

"I'm going to say sorry to Perrie," I admitted, looking down at my red shoes.

"I'll come," Harry suggested.

"It's my problem, not yours." I wanted Harry to come with me, but I didn't want him to think this was his fault.

"I'm coming." Harry quickly went to the bathroom, before getting changed and following to the front door. I pulled the door open, as quietly as possible, and as soon as my body was in contact with the cold air, I immediately pulled up my zip. I quickly unlocked my car and as soon as Harry closed the door of the passenger seat, bright flashes took my vision. Once my eyes eventually adjusted to the lights, I started driving to Perrie's house. I didn't care that it wasn't even in London; I just had to go to her. Apparently, she came to our house so quickly the day before because she was she was doing a meet and greet, along with the rest of the girls.

"Louis, do you even know what you're going to say?" Harry reminded.

"Oh, damn, I forgot about that," I hissed.

"Just apologise for your misunderstanding, and maybe let her explain why she broke up with Zayn so we know too," Harry explained. I nodded without letting a word slip out of my mouth.

Liam's P.O.V

I rubbed my eyes, trying to get the sleep off them. I swerved my feet so it touched the soft carpet and sat there for a couple of minutes or so. I scanned the clock and I saw it read that it was noon. I stretched a little bit and got changed and brushed my teeth. Since we had an interview at about three o'clock, I decided to wake the rest of the boys up. 

I knocked on Zayn's door before entering it and shaking him lightly.

"Zayn, get up, we've got an interview," I whispered. Urgh, I hated waking Zayn up. He just groaned and told me to get out of his room.

"Zayn, get up now or I'll make you!" I yelled.

"Shut up," Zayn growled. I knew I would regret doing what I was about to do, but I did it anyway. I forcefully pulled the duvet off him. He shot up immediately and glared at me. 

"That got you to wake up," I mumbled. I entered Harry's room and saw that he wasn't in there. I decided that he must have already woken up. I quickly woke Niall up and finally went to Louis' bedroom. I slowly opened the door to see that Louis must have woken up too.

I went down the stairs and headed off into the kitchen to make breakfast. Niall and Zayn were the only ones sitting at the table. 

"Where's Harry and Louis?" I questioned. 

"Aren't they sleeping?" Niall asked. I shook my head, making my way to the counter and just made a quick breakfast for all of us: Weetabix. Zayn liked eating it, Niall ate anything and I didn't really mind. I made it quite hot, seeing as it looked chilly outside.

After breakfast, I called Louis' phone and he answered almost immediately.

"Hello?" I asked.

"It's Harry," Harry replied.

"Where are you guys?! We've got an interview in a couple of hours!" 

"Yeah, we know. We'll be back in time, Liam, don't worry." And with that, he hung up. Now was definitely not the time for all of this.

Harry's P.O.V

OK. The interview was at three and we arrived at Perrie's temporary house by half past twelve, which gave Louis exactly an hour for his apology, as the location of the interview was closer to Perrie's house than the house that we shared for the time being. Yeah, it did take quite a while to work that out.

Louis patiently knocked on the door and within a minute, it was opened by Perrie. As soon as she saw us, she immediately closed the door. However, Louis smartly put his foot in the way.

"Perrie, please," he coaxed, pushing the door open and leading me inside.

"What do you guys want?" she asked, backing up into the living room and wiping some tears. 

"I wanted to apologise," Louis admitted, holding both of his hands up to show that he had surrendered, "Sorry."

"OK, now you've apologised, please, leave me alone." Perrie seemed... different. She didn't seem upset because of what Louis did; it seemed like she was holding something back.

"Perrie... are you OK? Is there anything you want to tell us?" I questioned, nearing her, whilst she walked away from me, her back eventually meeting the wall.

"No, not at all," she murmured, sliding down the wall, and sitting down. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed into them. Louis and I crouched down to her level and I placed my hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.

"What is it?" Louis asked.

"My, my nan died," she whispered, hiccuping a little bit, before reluctantly continuing, "She was supposed to have another month but she had a sudden heart attack." She immediately burst into tears again. 

Once she had calmed down slightly, Louis apologised again, "Perrie... I'm so, so sorry about snapping at you yesterday. If I'd have let you explain what was wrong..."

"Don't worry Louis," Perrie stated, forcing a smile and slowly standing up. "If I was you, I would have probably done the same thing." 

Louis and I stood up with Perrie, when a question sprung to my mouth, "Why didn't you want to tell Zayn?"

"Well, I knew she was going to, umm, pass away soon so I wanted to take a break until I recovered from her passing. I can't really keep secrets, so he would have found out sooner or later. I mean, I didn't want to pile all of these deaths on him; I would feel awful. Please, don't tell Zayn any of this. Hopefully, if he accepts, we'll be a couple soon," Perrie explained, calmly.

"Perrie, if you ever want to speak to anyone, you can call us. Don't worry, we won't tell Zayn, but we're going to have to tell Niall and Liam, so they know the truth," I said, while hugging her. While Louis also hugged her and mumbled something into her ear, I held the door open. He gratefully took the offer and as we walked up to his car, the paparazzi were taking photos and asking us stupid questions.

"Are you guys a couple?"

"Is Larry Stylinson actually real?"

"Is that your shared house?"

"Where are you guys heading off to?"

Wow. I never understood why the world though Larry was real. It really frustrated me, and I could see that Louis was holding back his anger. It annoyed him a lot because he was with Eleanor. I never understood why two people of the same gender couldn't have a brotherly or sisterly relationship. We stormed onto the road and quickly jumped in the car. Louis drove us to the location of the interview.

(A/N: Thank you so much for the 84 reads, 11 votes and 12 comments! OK, there is going to be a little bit of controversy because of Larry, but, personally, I only ship them as a bromance, and I wanted to write Harry's feelings about it in this chapter. Sorry if you are a hardcore Larry shipper, but please, go with it for this fanfiction. By the way, I hope you have a lovely year :) Stay amazing!)

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