chapter 5

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Five:

Unwanted Help

After I'd leapt up with incredible speed, I'd raced to grab my bike from against the side of the building. I snatched it towards me, almost falling off as I slid my leg over the side and pedalled without looking back. I knew I'd be getting about a million and one texts tonight from various people and get annoyed by my family but I didn't care. Home was the only refuge now.

The amount of cars increased at this time and a few came pretty close to me. I could feel the wind in my face and the burn from keeping the tears in.

What had I done?! I'd probably lose my best friend because I just had to get the feelings and fireworks burst with beautiful explosions. How could I not realize I loved my best friend. The one who knew everything about me, the one who put the best in friend. The one I'd known forever. The one.

That's when it hit me. I'd always loved him. That explained the heart races whenever he was nearby; the way he seemed to look cuter every day; the way he'd make me laugh or smile twice as hard as before. It all made sense.

Why was he so lovable?

I slammed my fingers on the break when something interrupted my thoughts. A voice calling my name, a voice that sounded so wonderful it made me jump with joy. I looked behind me, a blur in the distance waving frantically.

My heart wanted it.

My mind shot me forward, my neck jolting at the sudden burst of speed. He kept calling my name, and with each time it sounded like a voice from Heaven calling me to the angel. I could not, would not, stop.

And I didn't; not even when I reached the door after jumping off my bike and busting the door open to three shocked faces. I heard their comments.

"Pammy, what's wrong?" Dad.

"What happened?" Rachel.

"Cry-baby." Katie.

Scoff. Christie.

I didn't care. Nothing mattered as I took the stairs two at a time and slammed the door, my fingers pressing the lock as I breathed in gasps. The tears came faster now and sobs escaped. I turned around and slid down the door, wrapping my arms around my legs as it all came out.

I had no one. Not a mother; she was dead. Not a best friend; that was the problem! And my dad-yeah right. Telling my father my problems. I mean, sure, we were two peas in a pod. We'd both been couch potato buds, watching football and America's Funniest Home Videos. But that was dad and daughter time. Pouring out my feelings to him would be awkward for both of us.

A knock on the door and then murmurs as someone was hushed.

"Rick, let me handle this," Rachel said.

"She's my daughter, Rachel, I have to-"

"And she's also a woman who needs another woman. Let me through."

A few hard footsteps padded the floor as Rachel's dainty feet tapped towards my door. Great. I didn't need her help and I didn't want her help, female or not.

Tap, tap, tap. "Pam, honey, please let me in," Rachel said softly.

So tempting . . . no.

"I know you don't like me very much, sweetie," she continued. Was it that easy to tell? I thought for a minute. Well, glares did say a lot about the way someone feels about another. "Just open the door, Pam. Please."

I almost stood, feeling the muscles in my legs begin to loosen up to rise when I firmly placed my butt on the floor. No. I did not like this woman.


I was such a softie.

I slid away, turning the handle to unlock the door. I quickly stood, my face probably painted dark red and soaked jeans. Rachel didn't seem to mind, though, as she walked in and closed the door behind her. I sat on my bed, defeated. I had no other hope. Even though she wasn't my favorite person, I needed a female. Boys irked me right then. Stupid lovable guys with their cute cheeks and soft eyes and hot six packs.

"Hi," she whispered softly, almost nervously.

"Hi," I croaked, hugging my knees to my chest.

She boldly walked towards me and uncomfortably sat beside me. We both let out sighs and I noticed how pretty she looked, even at home. I'd usually taken to avoiding her, but now, I stared at her unknowing face. Her dark brown curls fell over her shoulders and back, and she seemed to only be in her twenties. The way she slumped slightly made it even more believable.

With a sigh, she looked me in the eye, and began.

"It's a boy, isn't it?"

I could only nod.

"Is it Nathan, honey?"

The sound of his name made me gasp softly and I sniffled, looking at my step-mother. We said nothing then, as her eyes filled with concern and understanding.

"Momma, I want-"

"Not now, Katie!"

I didn't know Rachel could tell her child no. They were so spoiled . . . how? Rachel didn't seem like the type to spoil, now that I thought about it.

She sighed. "Tell me everything."


"So what do I do?" I sniffled, blowing into yet another tissue.

She rubbed my back and smiled reassuringly, observing the empty tissue box. I'd never gone through a hundred and fifty tissues before. Except when my mom died. Came pretty close when I didn't get the new Barbie beach house.

"Well, you'll just have to go with the flow," she answered, standing up. "I'll be right back, all right?"

I nodded and sighed, glancing at the mirror as she disappeared. Oh, I looked like a mess. How was I going to sleep tonight? I tried to fix my hair a little, brushing my fingers over it, but failed. So I reached up and tied it in a messy bun, ignoring how a few strands dangled.

Rachel walked back in with a roll of toilet paper. She closed the door in Christie's face, something I almost laughed at, and handed me the roll.

"It'll be okay," she assured me.

"Yeah right," I replied, wiping my nose that wouldn't stop running.

"Hey, don't talk like that. If he's really your best friend, he'll talk to you tomorrow and things will straighten out. I guarantee it. So, now, I want you to get some sleep. You'll need to be refreshed. Spend your Spring Break happily."

I sighed. "Okay. I'll try. Good night."

"Good night, Pammy." She kissed my forehead and smiled as she slowly closed the door behind her.

A breath streamed from my lips and I leaned back against a pillow on my bed. Tiredness suddenly swooped over me and I yawned, my eyes fluttering.


Hi!  So, this is my first story on Wattpad and I wanna know what you think!  Please please comment and tell me what you think and what I should add to the story. Feedback is MUCH appreciated!  Thank you thank you thank you!

*By the way, she is NOT ASLEEP*

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