chapter 29

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty-Nine


"You are so mean!" I exclaim, swatting his chest. "I can't believe you're putting me before your brother, your own family!"

He shrugs. "You're easier to love."

I blush and look down at my fingers spread out on his chest. His stomach is facing me, his position more of a sideways lean on his arm. He brushes a piece of hair behind my ear, brushing his fingers along my cheek.

"You're much easier to love," he breathes.

He leans towards me, his eyes glittering with love. I stay entranced by his eyes until his lips meet mine and my eyes close as I put as much passion as I can into the kiss. When he pulls away I'm entirely breathless. It's always like I forget how to breathe. I frown.

"You're distracting me," I state as he kisses along my jaw.

"Mm-hm," he replies, kissing my nose. I laugh and push his face away, though I actually want it desperately.

"We're not done talking about your brother," I insist as his arms come around me. "Nathan, no, no-no!" I squeal as his fingers quickly tickle me, knowing all my weak spots. I can't drop this subject. I was not going to be the cause of him and his brother's fight. That's not fair. I beg him to stop but his exchange is the dropping of the tense topic. Can't give in, can't give in- "Fine, fine, you win!" I gasp.

He buries his face in my neck and I can feel his chuckle. Out of randomness, he asks, "wanna go to the beach?"

I place my hands on each side of his cheek and pull his head up so he knows I'm looking at him funny. "I have a twisted foot, Nathan, and the rain is probably coming." Out the window darker whitish-gray clouds move in a slow clump.


"So, rain ruins plans."

"Ahh, not really."

"What plans doesn't it ruin?"


This puzzles me how he thinks differently. "What about a trip to the beach?"


"How? You can't swim when it's storming."

"Yes I can."

"Haha, you can," I admit, still bewildered how what he's saying makes sense in a whole new way. But I still press about loopholes. "But it's a little dangerous, isn't it?"

"No," he says with a shrug.

"Have you done it?" He nods his head. I look away, puzzled. "Is it fun?" He nods again. "I'll have to try it then. Yolo."

"I might add it is fun when surfing." My head whips back to his and I cock it to the side.

"You've surfed, too? Where have I been?"

He laughs and pulls my head to his chest, rubbing my head so it messes up my hair. I freak out and push myself against him and onto my foot to smoothe it out. I glare at him.

"No touch my hair!" I growl, petting it like a cat.

"You're so cute when you're mad at me," he chuckles.

"Gr," I reply, now feeling the pain in my foot from the sudden motion. I wince and pick it up, not surprised when he's behind me in an instant, hand gingerly on my thigh.

"Did you hurt yourself?" he asks with concern.

"No, I'm fine," I answer. "Just too fast of a movement. Let's go to the beach. But I am not bringing my bathing suit."

"Aw, man!" he says, snapping his fingers. I bump my hip against his and roll my eyes.

"I'm not going swimming right now."

"What happened to yolo?"

I smile and consider it, depending if there was a storm and how strong it might be. He gathered up his phone and keys and I stuffed mine in a purse. Always gotta be prepared with money, too. There was a line of stores near our beach and sometimes a girl's got her instincts. We can't help it. I catch Nathan roll his eyes and take my hand downstairs. I call out a goodbye and let him lead me to his precious car. He opens the door politely and closes it after I slip in. This gentleman behavior made me smile and feel proud of him, so I can't help but pat his head when he sits down. He gives me a look that makes me burst out laughing.

"I'm so proud of your gentleman act," I explain, taking his hand and interlacing our fingers on the console.

"Okay?" he says, but it comes out more of a question. I laugh.

"Just drive."

He shakes his head and places the key in the ignition, turning it so the engine roars to life. He revvs it, looking over at me while wagging his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and look out the window. The sky is more overcast now, the sun covered by the clouds. The air is full of moisture and I can smell the dewy rain. I love the feel of it, just before it rains. It always feels good on my skin, whether I'm hot or cold or in between. I roll down the window a little.

We make it to the beach in about fifteen minutes and park. We're the only car for a few miles but Nathan takes my hand confidently and pulls me towards the waves that rock a bit too fast for my taste. I take each wooden step of the walk carefully, taking my shoes off on the last one so the sand pours between my toes. It's still warm from the sun and I sigh, closing my eyes as I let the ocean breeze whip around me. I open them again and head to the water, but I don't dare go farther than my ankles. I'm sure there are rip currents somewhere in the dark currents. I feel a little splash on my leg and shoot a look at Nathan. I kick some water back at him and take off running on my one foot, checking over my shoulder.

I laugh and try to pick up speed, the sand spraying out behind me. He's close on my tail and I try to go around him through two inches of water. It makes me nervous, being this close to the water. But I try not to let it get to me. He turns just as I do and catches me around the waist, pulling me back and over his shoulder.

"You're coming this way," he says and I figure out he's trying to make me go in the water.

"No, no, no, Nathan, please don't," I beg him, starting to struggle against his hold. "I don't want to get wet and my foot-"

"Oh, come on, yolo," he interrupts, placing me down in knee-deep water. I shriek at its cold temperature and take off running towards the dry ground. "Pammy!"

"I love the ocean, but not when it's cold and not when it's just before a storm and not when I don't wanna get wet!" I yell back. He comes out of the water, and I'm so thankful. It was starting to scare me. I look up just in time for a raindrop to fall on my forehead, followed by another. Far down the beach, I can see the rain pouring and it's heading straight-

"Ah!" I scream when the droplets turn into a pouring shower. Nathan's standing next to me laughing hysterically and dancing around and I can't believe he's not trying to head to his car. I cover my head with my arms, in a failed attempt to keep anything dry.

"Oh, come on, Pammy, it's just water," he tells me, pulling my arms down and holding them out. He locks our fingers and starts spinning in a circle. I can feel the water drops sliding down my cheeks and how heavy my clothes are starting to get, but his happy grin just stops all my worrying, all my panic, and I'm weightless.


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