chapter 33

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Copyright (c) akm


Chapter Thirty-Three


As we slowly walk down the sidewalk, I can feel the coolness of the night on my skin, giving me chills. The moon was full and bright, surrounded by creepy gray clouds. The trees slowly rock back and forth in the wind. I shiver and hold Nathan's hand tighter. I could just feel something bad was going to happen.

We approached his house and stopped in front of his driveway. He took my hand and kissed it softly, and I couldn't help but reach my fingers to his nose. He winces slightly and takes the bag off so I can see it. I hated the way it looked, bloody and gross. I turned away in disgust, feeling so bad for him.

"This is why I don't want you going near him, Pammy. He's dangerous-"

"Nathan, please."

"No, I'm not kidding, stay away from him, you never know what he might do and I don't want you hurt."

"I can take care of myself Nathan," I snap back, taking my hand back and wrapping my arms around myself as the wind picks up. "And I don't think he would do anything to me, you pissed him off."

"Oh, so you're saying I deserved it?" he says angrily, his voice raising as he points to himself. "It's his fault-"

"No, it's not his fault! You shouldn't have pissed him off!"

"Why are you defending him? Huh? You don't have feelings for him, do you?"

"No, I don't. Nathan you are being ridiculus-"

"I'm being ridiculus? I am? You won't even listen to me!"

"And you won't listen to me!" I'm crying now and sniffling like crazy. We've never been in a fight before and I couldn't believe we were now arguing over something so stupid. I felt like I was losing him. That thought made more tears come down.

"You know what-"

"Just forget it!" I shout, turning my back on him and waving him off as I walk away.

"Pam!" He grabs my arm and I glare at him through my teary eyes.

"Let go of me, Nathan. You are such a control freak! You are way too protective, just leave me alone!" I start sprinting for my house, hurting my ankle as soon as it hits the ground.

"Pam, Pam!" I hear, but I don't turn back. My sobs echo the empty street and I burst through the door and straight up to my room where I lock the door. I shrink down against it, crossing my arms over my knees and letting the tears fall. I don't bother opening the door for anybody, not even Rachel. It takes about an hour before they all leave me alone, and I curl into myself on the floor, wishing my mom was here. I faintly remember her rocking me to sleep, softly singing a lullaby I'd forgotten the words to. I try to imagine her doing that now, closing my eyes to feel it, but when I open them, she's not there.

My heart felt torn. He over-reacted big time, and I didn't know if we'd be okay again. All because of Dylan! Why did he think Dylan would hurt me? Why did he care when I was with him already? And he actually thought I had feelings for him? Urgh! If I lost my best friend I don't know what I'd do. It's a sad life to live without him, my Nathan. Maybe we'll make up tomorrow before school. Yeah, he loves me, I love him. We can't let this stupid fight get between us.

I start to stand with confidence, assured that I could go to his house and make this better. I could do this.

"Well, I bet it's about Nathan," I hear Christie say from the hall. "I mean, seriously, he picked her? It wasn't meant to be."

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