chapter 34

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copyright (c) akm


Chapter Thirty-Four


As the last bell rings, I put my stuff in my backpack and pick it up. When I stand, Nathan is right there smiling. He slides his hand down my arm and interlocks our fingers.

"Hey," he says as we start heading out.

"Hey yourself," I reply, kissing his cheek.

"Got any plans later?" he asks as I dodge a senior. How are they so big? With their muscles bulging from their shirts, I bet they could snap my neck. I shiver at the thought.

"Hmm, let me think," I say, tapping my chin as if actually thinking. "Well I've got nothing to do from three to four, and then more nothing." He sticks out his tongue. "Yep I'm free. What do you have planned this time?"

"I was hoping we could go to the movies later maybe?" He grins down at me and just as the yes almost leaves my mouth, I frown.

"I'm grounded today."

"You're grounded? Uh-oh, what did you do? Break into a bank? Sneak out?" I playfully smack him with my binder.

"I, um, shoved my step-sister against the wall and threatened her," I answer with a sheepish smile. He just looks at me for a second then laughs out loud, opening my door for me.

"No, seriously," he says.


He's silent for a minute before he reaches over and hugs me. "Aw, Pammy I'm so proud of you."

"Okay, okay, you're strangling me," I choke out. He lets go, rounds the front to his seat, and starts the car. He pulls on his seatbelt and pulls out of the parking lot.

"So let me guess. It was Christie?" I nod with a smile. "And she said something that upset you?"

"Yep, that's right."

"Might I ask what she said?"

I think of how to word this. "She insulted our relationship."

"Oh. Well I feel happy you got aggressive for me." He looks over and winks at me. I roll my eyes.

We pull up to my house and I sigh. What am I supposed to do? I've got math homework but that's easy.

"See you tomorrow," I tell him and lean over to press my lips against his. When I pull away he leans in again for another kiss.

"See you," he replies. "I love you, Pammy."

"I love you more."


I smile and get out, waving as he drives next door. I take out my key and step into my house. Most likely nobody's home. My dad and Rachel will be at work and the twins won't be home for another hour.

Ugh the twins. I hated being alone with them.

I take the stairs slowly and set my stuff on the bed. Then I go back down to the kitchen to find a snack. On the counter there's a piece of paper. It's in Rachel's neat handwriting.

"Pam, you are grounded today. Can't go anywhere. Do the dishes. Twins do laundry. Love you."

I make a face at it and lower it to the counter before I notice more writing.

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