chapter 20

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty:

Not Normal

Pam's POV

Oh, my gosh, it was huge. Expensive cars were parked everywhere and a red carpet was rolled out in front of the glass doors where a man opened it for you. I stared in awe at all the unique dresses and looked down at my own to check.

"You look beautiful, don't worry," Nathan assured me.

He kept complimenting me. I blush every time. I couldn't help it.

He pulled into a spot near the front where the "Reserved Parking" was. Nathan planned ahead of time? He was working hard tonight. I wondered what he was up to as he turned off the car, got out, and rounded it to my side to open my door. When I rose, he slid a secure arm around my waist, pulling me close. I couldn't believe everything. But it wasn't my Nathan. He was acting so different. I mean, it was sweet and all but I fell in love with the usual Nathan. Not this.

"My name is Nathan Price, I have a reservation for two," he stated to the big guy.

He grunted, tilting his head down to the clipboard in his hand. I thought he might snap it because of his big hands. He slowly moved his eyes on us, and it kinda scared me. He was a full head taller than Nathan, and no offence to him, Nathan's butt would be kicked across the parking lot.

Handing a ticket to us, he said, "the waitress will lead you to your table. Have a nice evening."

Nathan took it, pushing the door forward for us, grumbling. The ceilings stretched high up to two floors with a chandelier sparkling. Tables were arranged everywhere with white tablecloths and shiny silver. People were having conversations, wine glasses loosely held from a hand. It was all so formal. And everyone was older than us. It kind of made me feel out of place; an old guy smiled a toothless grin at me. I hurried to get in sync with Nathan's pace. Then I thought I noticed something.

Nathan's gaze was straight ahead, where the waitress swayed her hips as she walked. I nudged him a bit, and he looked at me for a few moments with a genuine smile. Then he turned back to stare ahead. It got annoying, so I glanced elsewhere.

We were led onto a balcony with several other tables. One empty one was towards the edge, with a few candles gently flickering. The moonlight shimmered down and as I sat down, the cushion beneath me sank. I placed the napkin in my lap and closed my eyes for a moment and sighed. Romantic music played softly in the background and everyone was in quiet conversations.

His eyes bore into mine, and I lost myself. The twinkle in his eye was on fire, dancing with the flames. I found myself wrapped in his breathtaking eyes, and he had to tell me that the waitor was here. I blushed and picked up the menu, perusing the entrees and trying to keep my mouth from dropping at the prices.

"Um, I'll just have a water, please," I said, smiling at the waitor. He smiled back as he scribbled the orders down and turned to walk away.

"The prices are huge!" I whispered, leaning forward.

"Don't worry about it, I'm paying," he replied just as quiet.


"I'm trying to make this an evening you'll never forget. So don't worry." He gave me a smile, reaching across the table to hold my hand. "Enjoy tonight."

I couldn't. This was way too outrageous. I didn't want expensive dinners or bouquets of roses. I wasn't like that. I wanted romantic picnics by a lake at most, and a few flowers he picks. I didn't care how much money a guy had; I wanted the little things that were sweet and not noticed by most girls. This was all too much.

"I have to use the restroom," I told him quietly, a little angry. I could hear it in my voice and his eyes looked worried.

"Are you okay?" he asked, leaning towards me.

"Fine." I rose from my seat and tried to gently set my napkin down on it but it was a little too hard. I couldn't stop the anger that raged as I half-ran to the restrooms. A long, quiet, empty hallway led to them.

I pushed open the door angrily, checking the stalls. I was grateful that no one was in here. The mirror in front of me showed a girl I didn't know. Eyeshadow, velvety red lipstick, and mascara. I stopped wearing make-up when Nathan had told me I didn't need a while back, before we were together. Ripping the paper towel from its holder, I poured water on it and wiped everything off. Black marks mixed with red, a gold tint to both. It looked really pretty, but it disgusted me. My face magically changed back to Pammy and it made me feel a bit better.

A knock sounded at the door, along with his velvety voice seeping through, "Pammy, are you okay?"

I loved the way he said each word, because it actually sounded like normal Nathan. The one I love. Come to think of it, his tone of voice had changed and his words were too formal to be his.


I couldn't find the words to speak. I hated this feeling, I hated this restaurant, and I hated how quick I could change. I looked back up at the mirror, wanting to wear my favorite tank and sweatpants and crawl into bed beside Nathan. My Nathan.

I heard a sigh from the other side and as the door began to open, he spoke, "I'm coming in."

My eyes widened as I watched him from the mirror, my palms against the cool countertop. His eyes matched mine and he froze. Tears began to sting me as I took a good look at my boyfriend. The tuxedo, the hair, the shoes. He never wore anything fancier than a regular shirt and jeans; his hair was always messy, the way I loved it; and he wore the loose, big shoes, not shiny black thin things.

"What did I do?" he pled, coming towards me to take my hands in his. "Pammy, what's wrong? Tell me." I buried my face in his chest.

"It's too much, Nathan," I mumbled. He placed a finger below my chin, tilting it up to face him.

"What do you mean?" he asked softly, the twinkle in his eyes so bright. I saw his face again, the one I knew and loved most. To add the touch, I reached up and messed his hair.

"Look at us, Nathan," I said, pointing to the mirror, "this is not us. This is not what I want."

He followed my finger and he seemed to realize what I meant. He gently caressed my jaw as his eyes weakened.

"I was just trying to be a better boyfriend. I am so sorry. I didn't know."

"You already are the best. Please don't try to over-do it anymore. I like the simple things."

"I promise." He kissed my forehead. "Wanna leave?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes."

"Okay. We leave. Right now."

He slid his hand down my arm, interlocking our fingers as he pushed open the door. I wiped my eyes, hoping that no one would notice. I didn't actually care, though. I'd never see them again.

He gave me a goofy smile as we exited the building, and my anger evaporated into the night air.


Sorry it took so long to upload.  I have the next upload ready but I have to get my "co-worker" to read it first *ahem* she knows it :p


I always ask the same things so pretty please do those three things :)

Have a Happy Spring Holiday (I'm not gonna be religious cuz I'm nice) ^^

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