chapter 28

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty-Eight


Another groan, wince, and tighter grip on Nathan's hand comes from me. It's taking a lot of strength not to rip my foot out of my dad's grip and hiss at anyone who tries to go near it. My dad gives me a sympathetic look as he gently wraps the gauzy bandage around a few more times. I clench my teeth and glare at the stupid foot. Turns out, I twisted it, or so my dad thinks. But it's not bad. It hurts every time I put pressure on it, though. Or when someone touches it.

"There," my dad sighs, "you're all wrapped up. Can you walk?"

He stands and I use Nathan's arm for support as I sit up and slide my feet over the sides of the couch. A slight pain shoots up my foot and I shake it off, taking a few steps. The bandage improves it a lot, guiding my foot and keeping it secure. Much better.

"Yeah, sort of," I answer. "It still hurts but not nearly as bad."

"Oh, honey," Rachel says, squeezing my arm. "Maybe a heating pad will help it. Where did I put that . . ." She wanders off somewhere and I look down at my foot. Wrapped up, slightly off the ground, it looks like I did more than a little twist.

I sigh as I fall back down on the cushions, taking a few sips from my water glass. My dad smiles just as his phone rings, taking him out of the room. Nathan sits beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well, I can't exactly call you cripple, can I?" he teases.

"Nope," I reply with a smile. "It's just a twist. Should heal in a weak."

"Hopefully quicker." He gingerly picks up my leg to observe the wrap. "Can you bend it?" I try but the cloth is too tight. He undoes the velcrow and adjusts it looser. "Feel better?"

I nod. "Yes, a lot."

He softly rubs from my foot, making his way slowly up my leg until he makes little patterns on my thigh. I lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. His finger against my skin feels so good, the slight tickle they do bringing the smile. I can hear him hum a new little song in my ear, his throat vibrating against the top of my head.

"What do you wanna do?" he murmurs. He's tracing a star over and over again just above my knee.

"I'm okay with just sitting here. Talking. Guessing what you're drawing," I say.

"Alright, what's this one?" he asks. He draws a straight line and then rounds the top. P. Then a circle with a little tail. A. Two curves, twice. M. M. And lastly one slanted line along a longer one. Y.

I smile. "It's my name."

He makes an assurance noise and starts another straight line with lines going opposite on the top and bottom. I. He pauses a moment to represent a space. A line going down and then right. L. A circle. O. An angled straight line, as though it's bouncing in a straight line. V. Four straight lines forming an E. After a slight pause, a curved U.

"I love you too," I reply, turning my head, expecting to kiss his cheek, when he turns his head and places his lips on mine. I'm taken by surprise at first, but it's the best kind of surprise. I feel goosebumps prickle on the back of my neck and my heartbeat racing. He pulls away and I want another, so I plant one more. He tilts my chin and gives me a deeper, more passionate kiss before looking me in the eye.

"You're going to kill me," he whispers.

I grin.

His eyes sparkle and he quickly picks me up from the couch. Each step upstairs is passed with ease and soon I feel my bed on my back as he sets me down. I slide my arms around his neck as he leans down to kiss me, pushing so much passion into my body I feel like I'm going to explode. My fingers tangle in his hair as he trails kisses along my jaw. He's very careful about my foot, hovering over me with his legs kind of off the bed. His finger caresses my cheek as he looks me straight in the eye with the twinkle. His hands move down my side and stop at the edge of the top of my jeans. I grab his hand and move it up to my side.

I can tell he knows that's the limit by the understanding smile he gives me.

He flips over and I curl into him, his arms enveloping me in a strong hold. I rest my head on his chest and listen to his heart beating inside. His deep voice rumbles his body when he speaks.

"You know how I always go to my Uncle's ranch every year?" he asks.

"Yeah," I answer, closing my eyes.

"Well, you wanna come with me?"

My eyes snap back open as I shoot up to look at him. "Really?" He laughs and nods.

"Excited, are we?"

"Yes!" I smile. "I've always wanted to ride a horse. It'd be really fun."

I lay back down and his arm slides around my waist, the other around my back to connect his hands. I snuggle into his chest, laying one hand and my head on it.

"We're gonna be leaving for it soon, though," he says. "And I already brought it up with my parents. They don't mind. However, it's going to be like a road trip with my family." He pauses. "Even Dylan."

I flick his stomach. "Stop it."


"I know what you're trying to do," I say sternly. "He's not a bad person, Nathan, he just needs some loving care."

"And Anger Management," he adds.

I can't help but laugh. "Yes, that too. But he's got a good heart." He grunts. "Nathan, come on. He's not going to do anything. He's your brother and he's my friend. Be nice. Now tell me what there is to do on the ranch."

"Well," he begins, adjusting his position, "there's a lake that I always swim in; there are some woods I'd like to go camping in; my uncle has an ATV-" he looks at me with a waggle of his eyebrow- "-and there's horse stalls he always appreciates being mucked out." I wrinkle my nose and he kisses it. "We can be creative while we're there. It won't be too long. My uncle's a nice guy and my aunt's a great cook. It should be fun when we get there. On the way there I don't know if I can last in a car with Dylan for a long period of time."

"But I'll be there," I tell him with a smile, rubbing my nose against his.

He grins. "That just makes it harder."



I don't have much to say so . . .



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