part 6

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When she woke Nevaeh was greeted with the sight of the sleeping boy beside her

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When she woke Nevaeh was greeted with the sight of the sleeping boy beside her.

She didn't know how long she lay there, just breathing in and out. She had a feeling that today would be good.

After a while Enoch began to stir.

"Morning" he said with a stretch.

"Morning" she replied.

For a moment they just lay there, gazing at each other until someone came barging into her room, Fiona,

"Nevaeh, have you seen Enoch, we cant find him anyw-" the girl paused and assessed the scene infront of her. Nevaeh was hoping that Fiona wouldn't make assumptions.

"Oh my god." She squeeled, "you guy's are so busted, I knew it!"

And with that she ran out of the room, presumably to tell the others of her 'discovery'.

"I give it five minutes before Miss Peregrine catches wind." Says Enoch in the most sourest of tones that Nevaeh had ever heard him use.

"Well if were planning on doing something to escape her wrath then we better get up." Nevaeh laughed as she nudged him.

"Good point." he mumble.

After Enoch left to get changed out of his clothes from the night before, Nevaeh did the same. They tidied up the room and headed downstairs. The two didn't even make it to the parlour before Miss Peregrine roared the house down.

"Enoch, Nevaeh, Study, NOW!"

"Seven minutes, not bad." she mumbled as the two made a sharp U turn towards the study.

Once they reached the study Miss Peregrine led them inside.

"Sit. "

Once they were seated miss peregrine began,

"Now, this morning I received news that Fiona found both of you in a rather inappropriate manner. "

"But we didn't do anything!" Protested the pair as Nevaeh jumped up.

After receiving a very unamused frown from Miss Peregrine she sat down again.

"Calm down, I know you two did not do anything but you are all given separate rooms in this house and I expect you all to use them. However, that is not the main reason why I asked for you two,"

Enoch looked heavily unamused as he had a vague plan of what he wanted to do today.

"Then what?" He asked

Miss peregrine smiled, "I need the two of you to go into the village today and retrieve some literature equipment."

At this point Enoch was sour, the bird interrupted his day to go to the damned village.

"Oh goody." He seethed

"I can assure you that it is far more important than you think Mr O'connor. "

"Then what is it Miss Peregrine?" Nevaeh asked, confused.

"I would like you two to go and get a tapestry from the inn," she explained, "it apparently has news on it which involves peculiars."

"That's the one by the cliff, okay when do we leave?" Nevaeh asked

"One minute ago children." Miss Peregrine said as she looked at her watch.

All was quiet as they made their way down the sandy path to the village until Enoch spoke up,

"If this tapestry is so important then why not send Emma or Olive to get it, why us?"

"I don't know why she sent us," replied Nevaeh, "but im glad she did all the same, it feels good to have time away from the others, don't you think?"

"Yeah but they will have a fit when they find out she sent us, together. " he chuckled.

"Oh yes, you find it hilarious while I have to sit there and listen to all the girls' teasing 24/7!" She laughed.

Enoch was taken back by her sudden outburst. He liked her laugh but he didn't say anything.

Once they reached the village the two made a B line for the inn. Nevaeh thought that it would take a while to locate the tapestry but once they entered the inn there it was, hanging on the opposite wall.
Enoch grabbed her arm and led her over to a table.

"Right, I'll destract them then you grab the thing, okay?"

"Okay." and with that Nevaeh walked away and Enoch immediately threw a glass to the floor.

"Sorry fellas, it slipped." he grinned

Thankfully the occupants attention was drawn to Enoch for just long enough so that Nevaeh could grab the tapestry.

"Slipped, you say?" A man yelled

"Funny 'cause I saw you do it on purpose." yelled another

Just as Nevaeh was about to walk out the door a man took a swing at Enoch, narrowly missing him.

"Enoch, let's go!" She called and with that Enoch dashed around the crowd and sprinted.

"Oi, she's got my tapestry!"

Once the two were out the door Nevaeh threw the tapestry at Enoch.

Nevaeh looked back only to be met with a sheer sight of horror, a crowd of men were chasing them.

"Enoch split!" She called and she ran in the opposite direction.

A few minutes later she found herself behind a tree, she had made it to the forest, there was one man who followed her but she was sure that she'd lost him.

She started to walk through the undergrowth back towards the children's home when she stopped, she could have sworn that she had heard a twig snap.

The next thing she knew, she was on the ground with the man on top of her.

"Stop!" she screamed, terror now coursing through her veins.

"I'll teach you to steal from me girl, you and that friend of yours!" He screamed as he held her down and hit her in the stomach.

With all the strength she could muster, Nevaeh pushed the man off of her and kicked him in the face.

"Freaks the whole lot of you!" He cried before grabbing her. "Get off!" She yelled before kicking him again. As soon as her foot met his body, a sickening crack rang out and the man instantly turned motionless.

Nevaeh's breath caught in her throat as she stepped away from the man. "Oh my bird I'm so sorry." She whispered as she viciously wiped her eyes. It was self defence, he was going to hurt her, she repeatedly told herself but the tears still came.

She had killed him. She stood there untill she finally pulled herself together and began making her way back towards the home.

Of course by now she'd already made up her mind, no more pain for anybody. She was a murderer and murderers don't deserve life.

As she walked up the sandy path she couldn't help but think, the  feeling she had this morning was wrong.

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