part 10

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Hand in hand they made their way up the path towards the children's home

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Hand in hand they made their way up the path towards the children's home.

"We're going to fix this. We're going to fix everything."

"I hope so, in time"

"We will." He said, pulling her closer. "We have all the time in the world."

Once Enoch opened the front door they were almost instantly ambushed by Miss Peregrine.

It was obvious that the woman was in a frantic state because as soon as she laid eyes on the children she immediately bustled them into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh thank heavens you two are alright! I was just about to head out again. You won't believe the amount of horrible scenarios that I came up with." She exclaimed as she ushered the two children into the study.

As they sat down Miss Peregrine walked over and cupped Nevaeh's face in her hands.

"My sweet child, don't ever do anything like that again, you nearly gave poor Enoch a heart attack and I was not far behind him."

"Are you mad?" Whispered Nevaeh, so quietly that you would have missed it if you blinked too loud.

"Mad, no my dear, why would you ever think that?" Miss peregrine asked, still cupping her face.

"Because the last time you made me promise to never try anything like that again." She said as choked back a sob.

"No, no child, hush." Miss peregrine whispered as she hugged her.

After a moment or two Nevaeh finally broke the hug and walked towards the door.

"Can we leave now?" Her gaze resting on Enoch, who was vigorously biting his thumbnail, staring into space.

After hesitation Miss Peregrine answered.

"I think we should have a talk about all of this Nevaeh, because it's a serious matter and you obviously needed a severe reason."

"Please." She begged. "I am fine Miss Peregrine, i don't want to talk right now."

"Nevaeh the three of us really need to, it would be very beneficial."

"Miss Peregrine I'm fine!" She said, more loudly than she meant to.

Enoch, who had stayed quiet through this whole session finally spoke up,

"Well you're obviously not fine! You said you killed someone! You were going to kill yourself, that's not normal Nevaeh!" He shouted as he stood up.

"Don't you dare tell me what is or is not normal! You think you can fix things? Well guess what Enoch, you can't!" She screamed at him.

Before Enoch had time to reply, Miss Peregrine swiftly butted in,

"Children stop shouting!" She exclaimed.

"Oh shut up you stupid bird! You think you know everything but you don't!" Nevaeh shouted, now directing her anger at Miss Peregrine.

With shock evident on her face, Miss Peregrine frowned.

"How dare you speak to me like that, I understand what you are going through but don't you dare be so disrespectful!"

"Understand! You don't understand anything! You're just like everyone else, you pretend to care but you really don't. "

"Oh so I don't care?!" Enoch butted in.

"Enoch!" Miss Peregrine warned.

"No Miss, if I'm someone who doesn't care then why did I listen to you, why did I pull you from that cliff, huh, why did I bother?"  He shouted.

"Because you're stupid!" Nevaeh cried.

At this point Enoch was so angry that he didn't realise what he said, until it was too late,

"Stupid, me? I'm not the one who is so ungrateful for what she's got that she tries to jump off a cliff." He whispered.


Nevaeh's hand made contact with his left cheek, snapping his head to the side.

"children!" Miss peregrine gasped.

With tears stinging her eyes Nevaeh walked towards the door.

"You don't get to walk away again." Enoch growled as he grabbed her wrist.

"Try and stop me." She taunted before exiting the room and running up the stairs to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Enoch fell into one of the seats and put his head in his hands.

"What have I done?"

"Enoch I know you care about her a tremendous amount but you have got to think about what you say." Miss Peregrine sighed.

"I'm an idiot."

"No you aren't. And what is all this nonsense about her murdering someone?"

"She killed a man from the village, he followed her." He sighed.

Miss Peregrine massaged her temples. "It hardly matters, when I reset the loop he'll be alive again."

"I don't think she knows that." Enoch said as he sat back in the seat.

"Well I will be sure to inform her once she has had time to calm down."

"Yeah," Enoch mumbled before standing up, "whatever."

He quickly left and jogged up the stairs to his room. "Don't you slam that door aswell." Miss Peregrine called.

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