part 8

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Enoch stood there for a moment, recollecting what just happened

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Enoch stood there for a moment, recollecting what just happened. He hurt her, even though it was an accident he still hurt her and in that moment he hated himself.

After another moment or two it finally clicked, everything finally clicked. What she told him about her last loop up until now.

Almost as soon as the thought crossed his mind he was off.

"Miss peregrine!" He screamed as he bolted down the stairs and into her office.

Miss peregrine stood up with a concerned look on her face.

"Enoch, whatever is the matter?"

"It's Nevaeh, its my fault!" He exclaimed.

At the mention of Nevaeh's name Miss Peregrine walked over and gripped his arm,

"What are you talking about?"

"We had a fight. It was all an accident but she just took off. She's so broken. I'm scared Miss Peregrine." Enoch said, leaning against her desk.

With Enoch's words Miss Peregrine placed her hand on his shoulder.

"This is very serious," Miss Peregrine mumbled, "we must go and find her" she said.

"Olive" called miss peregrine.

A moment later Olive appeared at the door.

"Yes Miss Peregrine. "

"Enoch and I are going out for a while and I trust that you and Emma will look after the younger children." Miss peregrine stated.

"Well, yes Miss Peregrine, is everything alright?" Asked the girl.
"Yes everything's fine, come on Enoch." and with one swift movement the two were out the door and on the path.

"Do you even have the faintest idea as to where she might have gone?" Asked Miss Peregrine.

"No." he replied, his voice breaking.

After a moment of thinking Miss Peregrine stopped.

"Right, I'll take the sky and scout the area and you continue looking down here." and with that she transformed and soared off into the sky.

Enoch continued running until he stopped. in the distance he saw a figure sitting on the cliff edge.

He ran all the way, ignoring the burning feeling in his chest. He couldn't tell if it was because he was out of breath, or because he cared about her so much it felt like his heart would explode.

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